How To Get Disaster and Drought Assistance

Drought is a weather phenomenon plaguing agriculture since civilizations began farming and ranching as organized ways to feed themselves. Drought that affects growing or grazing quality affects about a third of the nation's counties each year.

 2012 Drought Disaster Updates

Disaster Fast Track Map Updated 8/1/12
Download Disaster Designations Map (PDF, 2,023KB)
Map shows designations across the country under USDA's amended rule. The faster, more efficient process will immediately expand assistance to more than 1,000 counties in 26 states.

Resilience of American Agriculture - Innovation, Diversity and Growing Markets
The drought of 2012 is the most serious to impact U.S. agriculture since 1988. The illustrations in this infographic help to show the resiliency of the U.S. agriculture sector and how it is better positioned today to endure this natural disaster. Download the infographic.

News and Updates:

Agriculture Secretary Vilsack Announces New Drought Assistance, Designates an Additional 218 Counties as Primary Natural Disaster Areas (press release 08/01/2012)

Agriculture Secretary Vilsack Announces New Obama Administration Efforts to Assist Farmers and Ranchers Impacted by Drought (press release 07/23/2012)

Secretary's Column: The Means to Help Producers Impacted by Drought (07/20/12)

Press Briefing: Press Secretary Jay Carney and Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack (transcript 07/19/12)

USDA Announces Streamlined Disaster Designation Process with Lower Emergency Loan Rates and Greater CRP Flexibility in Disaster Areas (press release 07/11/12)

Other Resources:

Farm and Food Impacts (ERS)

Agricultural Weather and Drought Updates (last updated 8/03/12)

Weekly Crop Progress and Condition Reports

Radio Features

Actuality: Crop Insurance Communication and Consideration (7/20/12)
Risk Management Agency Administrator Bill Murphy explains some of the crop insurance options available to growers dealing with drought related issues, and how important communication is between grower and agent.

Putting The Heat On The US Corn And Soybean Crops
An unusually hot and dry June in many of the nation's prime corn and soybean growing states has led to a rapid decline in crop condition, and increasing concerns how those crops might fare this year. Rod Bain talks with USDA analysts on what is occurring, and what might occur, with the crops in this edition of "Agriculture USA".
PARTICIPANTS: Chief Economist Joe Glauber, World Agricultural Outlook Board Chair Gerry Bange, USDA Meteorologist Brad Rippey

Crop Assistance for Farmers

Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP)
Provides financial assistance to producers of non-insurable crops when low yields, loss of inventory or prevented planting occurs due to natural disasters.

Fact Sheet: NAP Program

Crop Insurance

Crop insurance is a risk management tool available to agricultural producers providing protection against low yields and/or lost revenue due to natural disasters including drought, excessive moisture, disease and other perils.

Q&A: Crop insurance and drought damaged crops

Fact Sheet: Prevented planting provisions drought

Fact Sheet: Pasture, Rangeland, Forage Pilot Insurance Program

Fact Sheet: Vegetation Index Basic Provisions

Assistance for Livestock Losses

Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Emergency Haying and Grazing
Haying and grazing of CRP acreage is authorized under certain conditions to improve the quality and performance of the CRP cover or to provide emergency relief to livestock producers due to certain natural disasters.

Fact Sheet: CRP

Need Help to Get Your Farm up and Running after a Disaster?

Emergency Farm Loans
Producers can borrow up to 100 percent of actual production or physical losses, to a maximum amount of $500,000.

Fact Sheet: Emergency Farm Loan Program

Disaster Designations - What and Where are they?

Emergency Disaster Designation and Declaration Process

Other Resources

U.S. Drought Monitor

Managing Drought Risk on the Ranch

Drought Ready Communities

Hay Net
Internet-based service allowing farmers and ranchers to share 'Need Hay' ads and 'Have Hay' ads online.

Farm Service Agency disaster programs

Risk Management Agency programs

State Farm Service Agency offices

Tree Assistance Program (TAP)
Provides financial assistance to qualifying orchardists to replace eligible trees, bushes, and vines damaged by natural disasters.

Disaster Resilience for Rural Communities
The goal of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture's Disaster Resilience for Rural Communities grant program is to advance basic research in engineering and in the social, behavioral, and economic sciences to enhance disaster resilience in rural communities.

View the original article here

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