Every day, we make important decisions about finances, health, privacy, technology and more. Look through the categories listed on the right for resources that will help you make your best choices.
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Safe banking online involves making good choices – decisions that will help you avoid costly surprises or even scams. This information http://www.fdic.gov/bank/individual/online/safe.html from the FDIC can help if you are considering online banking or already doing it.
Order free copies of brochures, bookmarks, videos and booklets, on a wide variety of consumer protection topics. The content is copyright-free, so you can customize it to fit your organization's needs, and share it with the people you know.
At this very minute someone is falling for a health fraud scam. They target all of us with promises of quick and painless cures. They waste money and can lead to delays in getting the proper diagnosis and treatment. Watch this video and learn how to recognize and avoid health fraud scams.