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Videos from the Federal Judiciary, connecting you with the United States Courts in fresh ways that we hope will inform, motivate and inspire. As the third branch of the United States government, the Judiciary serves a vital role by resolving disputes through the fair and impartial application of the law.
Videos from the Federal Judiciary, connecting you with the United States Courts in fresh ways that we hope will inform, motivate and inspire. As the third branch of the United States government, the Judiciary serves a vital role by resolving dispu...
Featured Playlists 67 videos Play allUploaded videos by The Federal Judiciary 15 videos Play allWorking for the Federal Judiciary by The Federal Judiciary 6 videos Play allPathways to the Bench by The Federal Judiciary 9 videos Play allFundamentos del Proceso de Quiebra by The Federal Judiciary 3 videos Play allCourt Shorts by The Federal Judiciary view all HelpAboutPress & BlogsCopyrightCreators & PartnersAdvertisingDevelopersTermsPrivacySafetyReport a bugTry something new! Language: Location: Safety: Loading... Loading... Loading... 0 / 00Unsaved Playlist Return to active list Your queue is empty. Add videos to your queue using this button: or sign in to load a different list.Loading...Saving... Clear all videos from this list Learn more Sign in to add this to a playlist Sign in to add this to a playlist Added to Back to list Added to playlist: Add an optional note150 Saving note... Note added to: Error adding note: Click to add a new note yt.setConfig({ 'XSRF_TOKEN': 'BMhKlaQ-8MtmLnP-b1ajGsJ9VYJ8MTM0MTM1Njc2MkAxMzQxMjcwMzYy', 'XSRF_FIELD_NAME': 'session_token' }); yt.pubsub.subscribe('init', yt.www.xsrf.populateSessionToken); yt.setConfig('XSRF_REDIRECT_TOKEN', 'Y8Ivg9C2M3YnH6hBPIjgS_oNkBR8MTM0MTM1Njc2MkAxMzQxMjcwMzYy'); yt.setConfig('LOGGED_IN', false); yt.setConfig('SESSION_INDEX', null); yt.setConfig('FEEDBACK_LOCALE_LANGUAGE', "en"); yt.setConfig('FEEDBACK_LOCALE_EXTRAS', {"experiments": "923400,907217,907335,921602,919306,922600,919316,920704,924500,924700,913542,919324,920706,907344,912706,902518", "accept_language": null}); yt.setAjaxToken('subscription_ajax', ""); yt.pubsub.subscribe('init', yt.www.subscriptions.SubscriptionButton.init); yt.www.playlist.init(); yt.setAjaxToken("playlist_ajax", ""); yt.setConfig('LIST_ID', "PL57A4168A81D34179"); yt.setConfig('LIKES', 1); yt.setConfig('DISLIKES', 0); yt.www.thumbnaildelayload.init(0); yt.setMsg({ 'LIST_CLEARED': "List cleared", 'PLAYLIST_VIDEO_DELETED': "Video deleted.", 'ERROR_OCCURRED': "Sorry, an error occurred.", 'NEXT_VIDEO_TOOLTIP': "Next video:\u003cbr\u003e \u0026#8220;${next_video_title}\u0026#8221;", 'NEXT_VIDEO_NOTHUMB_TOOLTIP': "Next video", 'SHOW_PLAYLIST_TOOLTIP': "Show playlist", 'HIDE_PLAYLIST_TOOLTIP': "Hide playlist", 'AUTOPLAY_ON_TOOLTIP': "Turn autoplay off", 'AUTOPLAY_OFF_TOOLTIP': "Turn autoplay on", 'SHUFFLE_ON_TOOLTIP': "Turn shuffle off", 'SHUFFLE_OFF_TOOLTIP': "Turn shuffle on", 'PLAYLIST_BAR_PLAYLIST_SAVED': "Playlist saved!", 'PLAYLIST_BAR_ADDED_TO_FAVORITES': "Added to favorites", 'PLAYLIST_BAR_ADDED_TO_PLAYLIST': "Added to playlist", 'PLAYLIST_BAR_ADDED_TO_QUEUE': "Added to queue", 'AUTOPLAY_WARNING1': "Next video starts in 1 second...", 'AUTOPLAY_WARNING2': "Next video starts in 2 seconds...", 'AUTOPLAY_WARNING3': "Next video starts in 3 seconds...", 'AUTOPLAY_WARNING4': "Next video starts in 4 seconds...", 'AUTOPLAY_WARNING5': "Next video starts in 5 seconds...", 'UNDO_LINK': "Undo" }); yt.setConfig({ 'DRAGDROP_BINARY_URL': "\/\/\/yt\/jsbin\/www-dragdrop-vflaDYC5f.js", 'PLAYLIST_BAR_PLAYING_INDEX': -1, 'LIST_COPY_ON_EDIT_ENABLED': false }); yt.setAjaxToken('addto_ajax_logged_out', "TauRjv1tjTrUqNUAwPOBjd2Zc_B8MEAxMzQxMjcwMzYy"); yt.pubsub.subscribe('init', yt.www.lists.init); yt.pubsub.subscribe('init', function() {"\/\/\/yt\/jsbin\/www-searchbox-vflkXM2E5.js", function() { if (_gel('masthead-search')) { yt.setTimeout(function() {'masthead-search'), _gel('masthead-search')["search_query"], "en", "ng", false, '', '', null, null, "Suggestion dismissed", "Dismiss", -1, {}); }, 100); } }); }); yt.setMsg({ 'ADDTO_WATCH_LATER_ADDED': "Added", 'ADDTO_WATCH_LATER_ERROR': "Error" }); yt.pubsub.subscribe('init', yt.www.lists.addtowatchlater.init);