Poster Contest for Kids

Children in kindergarten through 8th grade are eligible to enter the SunWise with SHADE® 2012 Poster Contest for great prizes!  They can be enrolled in a public, private, territorial, tribal, U.S. Department of Defense, or home school, or can enter through a sponsoring club, such as an art or science club; scouting organization; or 4-H club.  Entries are categorized by K–3rd grades or 4th–8th grades.

Submitted posters must meet the following criteria:

Be original and drawn by handPaper size must be 8-1/2 x 11 inchesPosters must include at least FIVE Sun-Safety Action Steps*Attach the official entry form to the back of each poster submittedEntries must be received no later than April 1, 2012 (deadlines vary for some states - see link below)

More details:

Sunwise Sun-Safety Action Steps (*you need at least five Steps for your poster)

Complete contest details, fabulous prizes from the SHADE Foundation, and how to enter your poster.

View the original article here
