?????????To enter this contest, you’ll need to create a new mobile application that is scalable to homeless people in need of services, caregivers who support them, and essentially anyone looking for local resources within their community. We will begin accepting submissions on March 22nd. Finalists will be the first five applicants who meet the selection criteria. See the rules for specific details about how to submit your application.
The five finalists, each winners of a $10,000 prize, will be announced by August 24. Those finalists will then have the opportunity to compete for the $25,000 Grand Prize during a two month “beta test” phase. The finalists’ applications will be piloted at a real shelter in New Jersey with real caregivers. The Grand Prize winner will be the application, which receives the highest user satisfaction ratings from the shelter staff and competition judges.
Just like any contest, the rules are important and you can read them on this website. If you have any questions about the rules, please contact us using the moderated blog, also on this website.
As a participant in this contest, you have an opportunity not just to win a substantial prize, but to help make real and important changes in the way the homeless receive access to care and resources within their communities. In other words, it's not just about the money. It's about making a difference.