United States of America: Editor for Adolescent Kit for Expression and Innovation Guidance and Tools, Consultancy

Organization: UN Children"s Fund

Country: United States of America

Closing date: 14 Sep 2015


UNICEF works to advance the rights of adolescents across all its programmes and policies. A small team of specialists promotes programming for adolescents that build on their assets and strengths, while addressing their unique vulnerabilities and risks.

UNICEF is developing an “Adolescent Kit for Expression and Innovation,” which is a package of guidance, resources and supplies to reach, engage and support the healthy development of children in the second decade of life, especially those in humanitarian contexts. This “Adolescent Kit for Expression and Innovation” is designed to strengthen and catalysed programmes and interventions UNICEF and partners implement throughout the humanitarian action cycle and in other challenging settings. The entire kit provides approachesand**activities** that can be used in UNICEF’s child protection, education, and youth programmes and partnerships, including Child-Friendly Spaces, community-based protection approaches, schools and education programmes (both formal and nonformal) and youth centres, as well as supplies to make those approaches and activities more feasible and engaging in low-resource contexts.


The Adolescent Kit for Expression and Innovation includes guidance, activities and other resources for programme coordinators who plan and oversee programmes and interventions for adolescents in humanitarian contexts through which the kit resources will be used, and facilitators who will lead positive development activities for groups of adolescents also using resources from the kit.

Programme coordinators are likely to be specialists, officers, or managers working for UNICEF and its partners in sectors such as child protection, education, and/or child and youth participation. The resources for programme coordinators include guidance and tools to support them in designing, adapting, strengthening and implementing programmes at all stages of the planning cycle.

The people who work or volunteer for the role of facilitator in different countries and contexts will come from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences. Some may be teachers, with formal training as educators, but many others will be volunteers (often youth) with minimal or no formal training, and in some cases low literacy skills. The resources for facilitators includes overall guidance for planning and facilitating engaging, age-appropriate activities with adolescents, and activity guides that utilize arts, creative expression, cultural traditions, problem solving, experimentation and innovation, especially through projects which adolescents design and carry out based on their own interests and priorities.

As such, the guidance and tools must be appropriate, readable and accessible for a wide range of users, including those with higher and lower levels of education, and those facing the practical challenges of working in humanitarian settings. Guidance and tools must be edited so that they can easily be translated in to UN and other languages, capturing meaning and clarity.

The entire package of guidance will be designed digitally and made available electronically on a web platform, and on a flash drive that is packaged with the supply kit. Select guidance and tools (approximately 1/3 of the materials) will be designed graphically and printed; those print resources will also be packaged inside the supply kit.

UNICEF is currently developing the final copy of all guidance and tools for the Adolescent Kit for Expression and Innovation, which is a revision and expansion of a prototype “Version 1.0” of the guidance that was been field tested in three countries and reviewed by technical experts and prospective users in early 2015. Guidance and tools from that draft are available for review at http://www.adolescentkit.org/.

Scope of Work:

· Edit the publication including all components for clarity, readability and consistency of message, keeping in mind the publication’s audience. Editing may require rewriting, abridging and restructuring text for greater readability, better logical sequence and elimination of repetition and jargon.

· Ensure that the text is clearly written and phrased in ways that are accessible for an audience with a range of literacy levels.

· Ensure that arguments are presented in a balanced manner and that citations are included for statements and passages, where required.

· Maintain a consistent writing style and tone of voice.

· Review fact-checking and copy-editing comments and incorporate them in the text.

· Review first page proof (layout) of the publication.

Responsibilities: Assignments are delivered on time and are of good quality.

Tangible and measurable outputs/deliverables of work assignment*(e.g. end products),***delivery dates, and costs.**

Duty Station: New York. The consultant will work remotely for the entire duration of the assignment. No travel required.

Start date:5 October 2015 End date: 18 November 2015

Performance indicators for evaluation of results: High-quality editing, deadlines met, accuracy and attention to detail.

Key skills, technical background and experience required


· University degree in social sciences, or a related technical field.

· Demonstrated experience and superior skills as an editor of manuals or comparable programme guidance materials, with a portfolio that includes editing training or educational publications.

· Demonstrated capacity to edit and/or write comparable guidance materials for a wide range of audiences (relevant to the intended audiences for this publication.

· Superior editing and writing skills, acquired over at least 5 years of mid-level professional experience as an editor and writer.

· English mother tongue or equivalent level.

· Sensitivity to nuances and the ability to think and write analytically.

· Demonstrate understanding of educational materials and/or issues concerning children; knowledge of or experience working with training and volunteer programs in low resource environments is desirable.

· Knowledge of and capacity to utilize and apply UNICEF’s standard language, syntax, grammar, terminology and styles as an editor.

· Ability to effectively grasp and incorporate comments from multiple authors to fit a defined publication style and format.

· Previous experience working with the UN or UN agency as an editor and/or writer is desirable.

*Please see deliverables within the following link: http://www.unicef.org/about/employ/index_consultancy_assignments.html

How to apply:

How to Apply

Applicants are requested to send their submissions to <**pdconsultants@unicef.org>with subject line: **“Editor for Adolescent Kit for Expression and Innovation Guidance and Tools, Consultancy”by 14 September 2015, 5:00pm EST.

Applications must include:

Please indicate your ability, availability and daily/monthly rate (in US$) to undertake the terms of reference. Applications submitted without a daily/monthly rate will not be considered. Joint applications of two or more individuals are not accepted.

NOTE: Files should not exceed 5.0MB limit

UNICEF is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.

Source by [author_name]

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