Minimum Requirements:
Requires knowledge, skill and mental development equivalent to completion of four years of college; requires working knowledge of standard library methods and procedures; requires knowledge of the application of standard library techniques; requires working knowledge of accessioning, cataloging and reference techniques; requires ability to prepare and maintain circulation and catalog files and to prepare ordinary operating reports on library activities; requires ability to perform incidental typing.
Work Hours & Location/Agency Contact:
Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 4:30 pm (1 hour unpaid meal break)
Illinois Veterans Home @ Manteno
#1 Veterans Drive
Manteno, IL 60950
Human Resources
Ph: 815-468-6581, ext. 328
Fax: 815-468-1596
How to Apply:
Click Here for Applicant Information and Grading Procedures
This position may require a current grade from Central Management Services (CMS), Division of Examining and Counseling, to be deemed qualified and available for employment consideration. For more information, please refer to the Work4Illinois website at Work.Illinois.Gov and select ‘Application Procedures’. Additional information may also be obtained from the Agency Contact listed above or by contacting CMS, Division of Examining and Counseling at or (217) 782-7100, (217) 785-3979 (TDD/TTY), (800) 526-0844 (TTY Only).
Additional Documentation for Library Associate:
Class Specification
Additional Title and Exam Information
These documents are in PDF format and can be viewed using Adobe Reader .
NOTE: Salary amounts shown are only to be used as a guide; actual salary will be determined at the time of hire based on current salary plans and/or collective bargaining agreements, if applicable.