United States of America: Technical Writer –Complementary Feeding Meeting, Consultancy

Organization: UN Children"s Fund

Country: United States of America

Closing date: 22 Jun 2015

Background and Rationale

This document describes technical aspects of a paper that will be used as a background document in the upcoming global meeting on complementary feeing. Meeting objectives are outlined in the first section and details of the technical paper are discussed in latter sections.

There is strong and cumulative evidence demonstrating the feasibility and effectiveness of complementary feeding interventions and their role in reducing undernutrition in the first 1,000 days of life. Despite the gains in the science, the practice has remained behind – and few countries are implementing comprehensive, large-scale programs to improve complementary feeding (whether nested within broader Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) programs or integrated into other programs or sectors).

UNICEF is planning to convene a global meeting to review progress in complementary feeding and develop appropriate strategies in view of new global realities and evidence. The meeting will synthesize the science and review the practice with a view to improve complementary feeding practices. One possible outcome might include providing a basis to update existing complementary feeding guidelines if appropriate.

Specific objectives of the meeting include the following;

  1. To discuss and outline challenges for meeting nutrition needs for young children aged 6-24 months

  2. To discuss and outline strategies to improve complementing feeding in children aged 6-24 months

  3. To discuss and outline tools that country teams can use to mitigate challenges and accelerate progress in infant and young child feeding

  4. To outline the research and gaps in Infant and Young Child Feeding programming related to feeding children 6-24 months old

  5. To initiate technical discussions on the need to update complementary feeding guidelines.


The aim of this consultancy is to commission a review paper in preparation for the global meeting. The paper should: develop a framework (or review existing ones) on how Micronutrients Powder (MNPs) could strengthen infant and young child feeding practices and complementary feeding in particular; review country experiences on existing MNP programs focusing how these impact IYCF practices and complementary feeding in particular; and a review of relevant training materials for MNP programs and the extent to which they support infant and young child feeding practices and complementary feeding practices in particular. The review should assess whether MNP can contribute to timely introduction of solid and semi-solid foods; whether MNP help raise awareness of importance of complementary foods; and social and behavior change required for adoption and use of micronutrient powders to improve complementary feeding practices. The paper should also include a review of existing information, education and communication materials (IEC) materials where MNPs have been integrated.

The paper will be distributed to participants for review prior to the meeting dates to guide and optimize the discussions during plenary.

Expected Deliverables

The following background papers and deliverables will constitute the deliverables for the consultancy.

  1. An outline of the suggested framework of the overall assessment

  2. A well outlined and researched technical paper that lays out a framework on how MNPs could strengthen infant and young child feeding practices and complementary feeding in particular, a review of country experiences using micronutrient powders to improve complementary feeding, and a review of training and IEC materials where MNPs have been integrated. . (see more details under “purpose” above”)

  3. PowerPoint presentations summarizing the main findings of the technical paper for presentation in plenary.


The consultant(s) may be located anywhere in the world; there will be no travel required for this assignment.


The paper will require a total of 20-25 days’ work starting 29 June and ending 21 August 2015.

Timeframe: Start date: 29 June 2015 (approx.) End date: 21 August 2015 (approx.)

(May include weekends and holidays in July – 3rd July and 17th July)

Key competences, technical background, and experience required

· Advanced Degree in nutrition, health or similar field.

· 5 years of Mid-level substantial experience in the implementation of nutrition programs in developing countries particularly in the area of infant and young child nutrition. Experience with micronutrient supplementation will be an added bonus.

· Excellent writing and analytical skills.

· Excellent presentation skills, and ability to communicate concepts effectively to the target audience


· Outstanding writing skills in English

· Being able to read French is not required but an asset

*Please see deliverables in attached chart.

How to apply:

How to Apply

Applicants are requested to send their submissions to <**pdconsultants@unicef.org>with subject line: **“Technical Writer –Complementary Feeding Meeting, Consultancy” by 22 June 2015, 5:00pm EST.

Applications must include:

· Cover letter,

· CV, and

· P-11 form (http://www.unicef.org/about/employ/files/P11.doc)

· Indicate where you heard about this advertisement

Please indicate your ability, availability and daily/monthly rate (in US$) to undertake the terms of reference above. Applications submitted without a daily/monthly rate will not be considered.

UNICEF is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.

Source by [author_name]
