United States of America: Executive Director

Organization Summary

Children’s Future is uniquely positioned to empower children and youth to break the cycle of poverty. Our holistic services provide basic needs supports, prevent human trafficking, and grant access to education for some of the most vulnerable children in Cambodia. Children’s Future serves hundreds of children and youth that were previously not attending school and at risk of human trafficking and child labor. Our programs focus intently on ensuring that youth stay in school, attend higher education and have the opportunity to achieve their fullest potential and become positive role models, qualified professionals, and compassionate community leaders.

Position summary

The Executive Director is responsible for the successful leadership and management of Children’s Future in accordance with the strategic direction set forth by the Board of Directors.

Duties and Responsibilities


● Participate with the Board and staff in developing the strategic plan

● Responsible for effectively communicating the vision

● Act as a spokesperson for the organization and advocate on behalf of beneficiaries

● Maintain an effective working relationship with the Board, Cambodia Country Director, US staff, and stakeholders

● Ensure cross-cultural understandings and effective communication between all stakeholders and staff

● Maintain a constant focus on relationship building and networking

● Responsible for maintaining a culture throughout Children’s Future (in Cambodia and around the world) that is child-centered and never loses perspective of Children’s Future reason of existence – providing opportunities to Cambodian children and youth

Financial Planning and Management

● Work closely with the Board, US staff and Country DIrector to develop the annual budget

● Approve expenditures and work with US staff, accountant, and Cambodia Country Director to track spending

● Prepare for and work with the organization’s auditors to conduct an annual financial audit

Fundraising and Development

● Responsible for the fundraising and development activities necessary to fully fund the approved budget

● Work closely with the Board to create annual development plan

● Work with the Board to identify and develop individual donor leads, foundation leads and corporate donations (as guided by the development plan)

● Identify and cultivate donors at all giving levels (individual, foundation, corporate)

● Oversee and implement the Sponsorship Program

● Oversee all organizational grant writing, event planning, marketing/branding campaign

Board of Directors Support and Engagement

● Support Board President in setting and organizing the agenda for board meetings

● Ensure active engagement of the Board of Directors by providing regular updates as well as periodic meetings with board members

Operational Planning and Management

● Oversee US-based staff to ensure successful implementation of all job responsibilities, including the following:

o Development activities

o Donor management and relations

o Marketing and communications

o Volunteer management

Program Planning and Management

● Ensure that the programs and services offered by CF contribute to the mission

● Support Country Director in planning and implementation of all Children’s Future programs

● Support Country Director in evaluation of program success

● Work to form relationships with partner organizations

● Support Country Director in maintaining all necessary relationships with local and national authorities in Cambodia

● Work with the Cambodian team to devise strategies to promote organizational sustainability, through social enterprise options and sustainable development practices

Human Resources Planning and Management

● Determine staffing requirements for organizational management and program delivery

● Recruit, hire, oversee and terminate US-based staff and Country Director

● Coach and mentor staff as appropriate to improve performance

● Oversee volunteers and interns that support Executive Director responsibilities

Skills and Qualifications

● A minimum of five (5) years of nonprofit management experience, preferred

● A minimum of five (5) years of international development experience, preferred

● A master’s degree in nonprofit management, business, international development, public administration, communications, or a related field or equivalent professional experience, preferred

● Experience managing and effectively leading a multi-cultural team

● A sufficient understanding of poverty and its consequences as well as the current state of the larger aid community both in Cambodia and around the world

● Proven track record and strategy for growing and sustaining organizational funding

● Experience working and/or living in a developing country (with a strong preference given to Cambodia or SE Asia)

● Extremely motivated

● Proven ability to work independently and be a self-starter

● Excellent written and verbal English

● Excellent planning and organization skills

● A strong written and verbal communicator

● Ability to remain calm under stress

● Able to prioritize and meet deadlines

● Experienced using Microsoft Office, Salesforce, online donation platforms, and online communications platforms

● Ability and willingness to work flexible hours

● Ability and willingness to travel to Cambodia up to two times per year, and to spend 4-6 weeks in Cambodia within the first few months of hire

The Executive Director should demonstrate some or all of the following abilities/personal characteristics:

● Adaptability: Demonstrate a willingness to be flexible, versatile and tolerant in a changing work environment while maintaining effectiveness and efficiency

● Behave Ethically: Understand ethical behavior and business practices, and ensure that own behavior and the behavior of others is consistent with these standards and aligns with the values of the organization

● Build Relationships: Establish and maintain positive working relationships with others, both internally and externally, to achieve the goals of the organization

● Communicate Effectively: Speak, listen and write in a clear, thorough and timely manner using appropriate and effective communication tools and techniques

● Creativity/Innovation: Develop new and unique ways to improve operations of the organization and to create new opportunities

● Foster Teamwork: Work cooperatively and effectively with others to set goals, resolve problems, and make decisions that enhance organizational effectiveness

● Inspire: Bring people together from all walks of life and from around the world by providing a platform in which to work together towards a common, and critical cause

● Lead: Positively influence others to achieve results that are in the best interest of the organization

● Make Decisions: Assess situations to determine the importance, urgency and risks, and make clear decisions which are timely and in the best interests of the organization

● Organize: Set priorities, develop a work schedule, monitor progress towards goals, and track details, data, information and activities

● Plan: Determine strategies to move the organization forward, set goals, create and implement actions plans, and evaluate the process and results

● Solve Problems: Assess problem situations to identify causes, gather and process relevant information, generate possible solutions, and make recommendations and/or resolve the problem

● Think Strategically: Assesses options and actions based on trends and conditions in the environment, and the vision and values of the organization

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