Trades Instructor - Employment Readiness - State of Michigan - Jackson, MI

The employee in this position will teach a technical Microsoft Digital Literacy (MDL) Computer Operations trade, provide facilitation of Money Smart and Work Skills Modules, and administer appropriate tests/assessments. The MDL Computer Operations class will provide entry level computer skills and supplemental programming to qualified prisoners that reflect current and future labor market trends.

Required Education and Experience:
Education Possession of an associate's degree in an area of the specific trade or occupation to be taught. Experience No specific type or amount is required.

Alternate Education and Experience:
Possession of an appropriate bachelor's degree, master's degree, or vocational teacher certification may be substituted for the education and experience requirements. OR

Educational level typically acquired through completion of high school and four years of recent experience in the practice of the specific trade or occupation to be taught, including six months of experience training others in the trade or occupation may be substituted for the education and experience requirements.
State of Michigan - 23 hours ago - save job

The Great Lakes State has another important distinction: being the first state to join the Union. Today The Office of the Governor of...

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