United States of America: Financial Access Analysis on Life-Saving Commodities in EWEC Countries - Consultancy

Organization: UN Children"s Fund

Country: United States of America

Closing date: 16 Jun 2015


The Report of the UNCoLSC recognized the importance of the financial access to these commodities and recommended that “…by 2014, all Every Women Every Child (EWEC) countries are addressing financial barriers to ensure the poorest members of society have access to the life-saving commodities.” (Recommendation 8)

The Report found that even though almost all of the commodities cost only pennies, this cost may still be prohibitive for poorer and other deprived sections of society, who largely pay out-of-pocket for health-related expenditures. Despite the fact that the removal of fees at the point of care has shown increased demand and uptake of services, many countries were not allocating sufficient public financing, implementing incentive schemes, conditional cash transfers or insurance schemes to support increased access to services and commodities.

In November 2014, a small meeting brought together health financing and health systems experts from countries, H4+[1], Technical Resource Teams (TRTs) and other independent organizations to advise on what needs to be done to implement this recommendation. The workshop agreed on a policy position that supports “Removal of financial barriers to ensure that RMNCH life-saving commodities are available for everyone, free at the point of delivery”. As one step towards this policy statement, experts recommended that the RMNCH Strategy and Coordination Team initiate a scoping of where countries currently stand in this regard.


UNICEF is seeking support to complete a mapping of the existing policies and mechanisms that allow for financial access to thirteen life-saving commodities recommended by the Commission in the EWEC countries. This mapping will be supported by an analysis of success stories, challenges and bottlenecks in implementation of these policies, and identification of opportunities for policy dialogue to improve financial access to life saving commodities in priority countries.

Development objective:

[1] The H4+ is a partnership of UN agencies concerned with maternal and child health – including the World Health Organization (WHO), the UN Population Fund (UNFPA), UNICEF, the Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and UN Women – and the World Bank.

  1. A rapid mapping and review across EWEC countries of where they stand in relation to putting in place policies, strategies and/or mechanisms that allow for greater financial access to RMNCH life-saving commodities

  2. An analysis of successes, challenges and bottlenecks in implementation of these policies,

  3. Based on the above mapping and analysis, identification of countries which present opportunities for policy dialogue to improve financial access to life saving commodities.

Immediate objective:

Complete the rapid mapping and review across EWEC countries of where they stand in relation to putting in place policies, strategies and/or mechanisms that allow for greater financial access to RMNCH life-saving commodities.

Conduct an analysis of successes, challenges and bottlenecks in implementation of these policies. By end of July, compile and present information on countries that present opportunities for policy dialogue to improve financial access to life saving commodities.


A rapid mapping and review across EWEC countries of where they stand in relation to putting in place policies, strategies and/or mechanisms that allow for greater financial access to RMNCH life-saving commodities

An analysis of successes, challenges and bottlenecks in implementation of these policies,

Based on the above mapping and analysis, identification of countries which present opportunities for policy dialogue to improve financial access to life saving commodities.


As per need, UNICEF, through its network of TRTs and country teams involved in implementation of the RMNCH Fund grants, will facilitate establishment of connections with resource parties which can provide valuable information for this assignment.


The expected duration of the contract is three months, commencing in June/July 2015 and ending in August/September 2015. (Dates adjusted to reflect the actual starting date of the consultancy.)


Remote based consultancy. Some travel will be required to complete deliverables.


Bidders must demonstrate the following qualifications:

· Post-graduate degree (Masters or PhD) or equivalent in public health or a related discipline.

· Demonstrated expertise in the field of health financing – contractors should have a minimum 5-8 years of program experience at the Senior level. Experience in low-income countries in Africa and Asia would be a strong asset.

· Have demonstrated knowledge of reproductive, women’s and child health issues and financing

· Demonstrated ability to communicate scientific information to a varied audience, particularly for policy and advocacy;

· Contractors must have excellent communication skills and collaboration experience with partners from a range of backgrounds, including academic, government, non-governmental, and civil society; and should possess the ability to use good judgement and experience working in multi-cultural settings

· Established networks with partners from different organizations and constituencies who can provide information that will be used in this contract

· Demonstrated ability to write scientific reports and papers

· Contractors with French working abilities are highly desirable

· This is a very dynamic and fast-paced role, and it is important that contractors can not only work well under pressure, but is driven to succeed, and most importantly is comfortable at making decisions that require using his/her own initiative.

*Payment Provisions

UNICEF"s policy is to pay for the performance of contractual services rendered or to effect payment

upon the achievement of specific milestones described in the contract. UNICEF"s policy is not to grant advance payments except in unusual situations where the potential contractor, whether a private firm, NGO or a government or other entity, specifies in the bid that there are special circumstances warranting an advance payment. UNICEF will normally require a bank guarantee or other suitable security arrangement.

Any request for an advance payment is to be justified and documented, and must be submitted with

the financial bid. The justification shall explain the need for the advance payment, itemize the

amount requested and provide a time schedule for utilization of said amount. Information about

your financial status must be submitted, such as audited financial statements at 31 December of the

previous year and include this documentation with your financial bid. Further information may be

requested by UNICEF at the time of finalizing contract negotiations with the awarded bidder.

*Please see Deliverables and Evaluation of the Proposal in the attached charts.

How to apply:


Applicants are requested to send their submissions to <**pdconsultants@unicef.org>with subject line: **“Financial Access Analysis on Life-Saving Commodities in EWEC Countries – Consultancy”by 16 June 2015, 5:00pm EST.

Applications must include:

· Cover letter,

· CV, and

· P-11 form (http://www.unicef.org/about/employ/files/P11.doc)

· Proposal

· Indicate where you heard about this advertisement

Please indicate your ability, availability and daily/monthly rate (in US$) to undertake the terms of reference above. Applications submitted without a daily/monthly rate will not be considered.

UNICEF is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.

Source by [author_name]

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