United States of America: Web Developer

Organization: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

Country: United States of America

Closing date: 07 Oct 2015

Terms of Reference

Web Developer

CERF Website

The Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF)’s website is the face of the Fund. The ST/SGB/2010/5* para reads 5.9 reads: “The dedicated Fund website shall continue to contribute to improved accountability and transparency by providing, inter alia, information on the utilization of the Fund and donor contributions.” It should demonstrate accurately all CERF activities and information to the public and donors. In order to make that information accessible to a wide audience, the website needs to be a reliable tool of communication.

The website is the main digital platform of all of CERF’s promotional products and information materials available for public consumption, and a certain level of professionalism is expected of the CERF secretariat and its online presence. As part of the revised Resource Mobilization and Communications Strategy (2014-2015), the CERF secretariat has committed to optimize the website maintenance and improve processes.

The upgrade of the website site should enable:

  1. CERF stakeholders navigate more easily and faster within the historical and current information on allocations and donor contributions.

  2. CERF stakeholders to access an interlinked compilation of information on a) allocations by country, sector, agency, emergency type, and to generate tailored search results; and, b) donor contributions by date (year, month), type of donor (member state, private sector, etc.), see historical contributions of one specific donor or a group of them.

  3. Member States, UN Agencies and the public in general search and find content in the website regardless what device (computer, smartphone, tablet, etc) they are using.

To address these challenges, CERF seeks to recruit a consultant to further develop the website and find solutions for existing issues. The Web Developer will be working with the CERF’s Resource Mobilization and Communications Section (RMCS).

Duties and Responsibilities

§ Conduct maintenance of the CERF website, keeping Drupal modules updated;

§ Improve and optimize various website processes;

§ Develop and (re)design new modules and update existing ones to improve existing features of the CERF website;

§ Improve usability by conducting user experience optimization;

§ Update and improving the existing Drupal theme templates;

§ Resolve existing issues the CERF website has with third-party Drupal modules, and other Drupal limitations; and

§ Revise current structures of the website according to CERF secretariat sections and update different sections of the website based on information collected from the different parts of the CERF secretariat.

A combined total of three (3) months is allocated to the project (October through December) for the consultant to complete the tasks. The payment will be US$6,200 a month ($310 daily rate for 20 days).

RMCS has budgeted for this expense.


8 – 15 October 2015: Establish CERF website updates and new features needed in the CERF’s Contribution page.

16 – 30 October 2015: Update and revised CERF Funding page.

2-30 November 2015: Design and implement new CERF contribution page.

1-31 December 2015: Finalize website: CERF Funding and CERF Contribution pages.

Qualifications and Experience

The consultant should have:

  • An Associates or Bachelor’s degree in Computer Programming;

  • Experience in Data Processing, Software Development and Management System;

  • Experience with Content Management System Drupal;

  • A reasonable understanding of up-to-date HTML coding;

  • Experience with HTML editors

  • Experience working under pressure and tight deadlines

  • Experience in Highcharts or D3.JS

How to apply:

Please send your CV and Cover Letter to Mr. Omar Adrian Gonzalez de la Hoz (gonzalezdelahoz@un.org) with the subject "Web Developer Application" by the deadline 7 Oct 2015.

Source by [author_name]

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