United States of America: Communications Specialist

Organization: Management Sciences for Health

Country: United States of America

Closing date: 30 Oct 2015

The Communications Specialist works under the supervision of the GMS Communications Officer. As a team, they are responsible for all communications products and reports issued by the GMS project. This includes ensuring that GMS branding requirements and GMS communications policies are applied rigorously to final documents and reports.

The goal of the communications policy is to advance the idea that GMS work is characterized by a common interest in collaborative local ownership, shared by its clients in many countries, the U.S. Government, the Global Fund, development partners, and other stakeholders. The policy is developed in compliance with USAID and PEPFAR branding requirements and reflected in GMS’s writings, and in how staff and consultants represent themselves in person.

The Communications Specialist receives and executes assignments with little supervision. Such assignments require independent judgment within the bounds of the GMS communications policy. During the course of his or her work, the Communications Specialist communicates virtually with team leaders and consultants around the world. Contacts with country coordinating mechanism leaders, principal recipient directors and other international development individuals will be required for routine transmission of reports and documents.

Job Requirements

Document production, modification and management (50%)

Editing, writing, fact and style checking

The following documents require copy editing, some substantive/line editing, writing or rewriting, light fact checking, style checking in English, French or Spanish:

  • About half of up to 240 consultancy reports per project year using a standard template; and reports on building capacities of regional institutions.

  • Variety of documents used in technical assignments by technical service provider (examples: tools, best practice documents).

  • Annual reports and monthly reports.

  • Other reports as requested and time allows.

  • Presentations, articles, and other materials in various formats for various audiences (examples: reports on building capacities of regional institutions, 2-3 page briefs on GMS).

  • Content (new stories, updates, and messages) for GMS website and GMS information management system for dissemination on GMS website and through social media.

Production and archiving

  • Formats documents in Excel, Word, PowerPoint, WordPress and other software as needed.

  • Prints and binds documents and arranges printing by external vendors.

  • Files documents electronically (reports, tools, other documents) following established file architecture of best practices for file-naming conventions.

Quality control

  • Performs quality control of editing by third parties (freelance editors, translators).

  • Performs quality control of own editing work on routine basis in accordance with GMS style.

  • Uses existing and develops personal control and tracking systems to achieve quality control.

Administration and management

  • Works with supervisor to source freelancers (graphic artists, copy editors for review of documents in various languages, translators) to meet production schedules; follows up on these requests as needed.

  • Develops and employs tracking documents on routine and ad hoc basis as needed to track and communicate status of freelance work.

  • Develops existing freelance roster as needed.

  • Maintains good working relationships with existing roster of freelancers.

  • Attends and reports on status of reports and other work in at least one staff wide meeting per week.

  • Attends and actively participates in weekly team meetings

  • Requests purchase orders for 3rd party service providers communications team uses (mainly these include translators, freelance editors, graphic artists, website designers) to meet production schedules; follows up on these requests as needed.

Translation, editing, other freelance work (20%)


  • Follows standard “best practices” for commissioning and reviewing translation work (provides glossaries to translators, sends changes back to translators to help them in their next GMS assignments).

  • Manage quality control process for translations to/from Portuguese/Russian/Arabic or other languages where GMS staff or external vendors serve as document reviewers.

  • Occasional translation of GMS material to/from English, French and/or Spanish.

Collaboration with other staff

  • Orients other staff to communications procedures as needed (translation requests, trip reporting, editing and writing guidelines).

  • Participates as active team member in small- and large-group projects.

Training and capacity building

  • Contributes to design of trainings/workshops/virtual courses (examples: makes material, helps facilitate/coach, and contributes to content).

  • Coaches GMS consultant team leaders on preparation of quality reports (writing skills, use of templates, fact checking, and basic editing of team contributions).

Website content development and updating (15%)

  • Work closely with Communications Officer and subcontractors in launching a website redesign project and then implementing the strategic direction and evolution of the website content and social media tools.

  • Coordinate closely with sub-contractor responsible for maintenance of the web site to ensure the continuation of a common, stable development environment for content contributors

  • Manage the content and layout of web site pages and provide support to all GMS staff in using the web site.

  • Work with GMS teams who have identified content that they want to place on the website to integrate this content.

  • Manage the tools clearinghouse within the web site and coordinate with sub-contractor responsible for web site maintenance to ensure its good functioning.

  • Collaborate with others to develop supportive resources (e.g., standards, templates, directory structures, and training) that facilitate use of content and make it easily accessible and understandable to others in a timely manner.

  • Understand the flow of information between GMS and other organizations and identify new methods and uses of the website (as well as other internal communications vehicles) to facilitate better information-sharing.

  • Keep abreast of the latest trends, tools and practices in effective knowledge management to increase internal communication and collaboration within an organization.

  • Use website tools for tracking and reporting monthly metrics and provide.

Policy and Procedures (10%)

  • Applies and ensures the application by others of GMS communications policies for all documents produced (these may include MSH communications policies).

  • Understands, keeps abreast of any changes to, and communicates GMS communications policies to different audiences as needed (partners, consultants, staff) (these may include MSH communications policies).

  • Contributes to design of standard documents and templates for use by variation audiences preparing written materials for GMS.

  • Collaborates with others to develop supportive resources (e.g., standards, templates, directory structures, and training) that facilitate use of content by GMS staff and consultants and make it easily accessible and understandable to others in a timely manner.

Other Requirements (5%)

Professional development

  • Keeps up to date on developments in Global Fund relevant to trip reports (examples: reading on Global Fund website, attending and applying material learned in trainings/orientations/workshops); includes this learning in body of reference/knowledge used in tasks listed above under Document production, modification and management.

  • Applies learning- and problem-solving approach to all work, including (1) use of language and editing in English and, as appropriate, other languages (see also “learning- and problem-solving approach” under “Work qualities and behaviors”), (2) administration and management, (3) translation.

Contribution to End of Project activitiesand products

  • GMS will have an end-of-project conference in project year 5 (October 2016-September 2017) (a large multi-media event with multiple high-level representatives of GMS stakeholders). The participation of the communications group in this are will likely draw on all of the areas listed above.

  • Bachelor’s Degree; Master’s Degree preferred.

  • 3-5 years relevant work experience

  • 2-5 Years of editing experience with demonstrated facility and line-editing level of work, preferred.

Knowledge and Skills

  • Proven high standards of editing and writing (e.g. through professional certification); screening test will be conducted.

  • Outstanding written and oral English language skills.

  • Familiarity with style and usage guides used in all editorial work at GMS, such as the Chicago Manual of Style, MLA Handbook, Garner’s Modern American Usage, French style guides and Spanish style guides.

  • Fluency in French, proficiency in Spanish; in addition, abilities in Russian, Arabic, Portuguese would be a plus.

  • Professional experience in translation from/to English from French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic or Portuguese.

  • Substantial experience working as part of a team, meeting deadlines, and multitasking.

  • Excellent interpersonal and organizational skills.

  • Familiarity with Global Fund terminology and programs would be a plus.

  • Experience working or living abroad or working with people from diverse cultures preferred.


  • Behavior: Exhibits adaptability, learning- and problem-solving approach. Works collaboratively as part of cross-functional team in Arlington; and works effectively with consultants at a distance/virtually.

  • Demonstrates attention to quality and consistency; produces material to established quality and efficiency standards.

  • Communication: provides complete and up-to-date status reports on progress on work in various areas mentioned above on regular basis and, as possible, when out for unscheduled absence.

  • Meets deadlines, exhibits good prioritization skills, and responds timely with minimal supervision.

Physical Demands

  • Travel requirements <10%, keyboard use, pulling drawers,

  • Lifting papers <10lbs., basic office functions

Apply Here


How to apply:

Apply Here :http://www.Click2Apply.net/b6zhyvnszk

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