United States of America: Mentoring Consultant - Remote Opportunity

Organization: Population Services Intl.

Country: United States of America

Closing date: 28 Oct 2015

Who we are

We’re Population Services International (PSI), the world’s leading non-profit social marketing organization. We work to make it easier for people in the developing world to be healthy by providing access to products and services that range from mosquito nets to HIV testing.

There are over 9,000 “PSI’ers” around the world. It’s a motley group of entrepreneurs and professionals with a diverse range of backgrounds all the way from the medical industry to the music business, all with unique skills we bring to the job.
Join us!

PSI seeks an experienced and dynamic mentorship facilitator with significant experience in coaching, mentorship and mentoring facilitation of organizational leaders to consult with PSI on a task-order basis for a period of two years.
Leaders in many of our country programs are host country Nationals with amazing skill-sets and highly effective in navigating the local program context. Often, these leaders do not take full advantage of the PSI global network and often struggle to take on the broad spectrum of responsibilities PSI assigns; inclusive of setting strategy and institutional vision, implementing a diverse portfolio of programs, and monitoring and strengthening internal controls, finance, administration and social enterprise priorities.

LAC believes strongly in supporting the talent within the region and commenced a regional effort in 2014 to implement a mentorship program for key leaders. The mentorship program was modified from the CR Onboarding and Mentorship program at PSI. The process is one in which a facilitator works with a selected mentee for a period of one month to assess proficiencies and weaknesses together with his/her supervisor and colleagues and assists in developing a six month Mentee Development Plan. During this time, the facilitator concurrently works with the identified Mentor to introduce techniques and the process by which he/she will support the Mentee. Upon completion of this phase, the facilitator initiates the “launch” of the mentoring phase together with the Mentor and Mentee.

Does this Facilitation Role sound like you? Read on.
Your contribution

Building a structure for effective mentorship that supports (1) Strategic Leadership; (2) Talent Management of Teams; (3) Meaningful Engagement of the PSI Global Network; and (4) Increased Team Communication.


To date, the program has been an adaptation of the “PSI Global Onboarding Program” (attached), please feel free to offer new approaches where you feel there is opportunity to strengthen the program.

Your proposal should include:

  • Facilitation plan inclusive of

  • Mentee evaluation/environment scan/personality profile feedback/decision-making style

  • Mentor preparation and establishing a Mentor/Mentee relationship (Note Mentor will be identified by PSI/LAC)

  • Check-point to assess progress/support

  • Provision of Summary Report

  • Mentee Development Plan Tool

  • Budget for each Mentee/Mentor Cycle Facilitated

Job Requirements

Our needs

  • No less than 5 years as a Mentorship/Coaching

  • Proficiency in facilitating mentorship

  • Demonstrated ability to attract, motivate, and build capacity of dynamic professionals;

  • Fluency in English, Spanish & French (team applications are welcome to respond to language needs)

Please apply online at www.psi.org.

Population Services International is an equal opportunity employer committed to diversity in the workplace. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to gender identity, race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, protected veteran status, or disability status.

Apply Here: https://hire.jobvite.com/j?cj=oX2H1fwr&s=Relief_Web


How to apply:

Apply Here

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