Public Information Officer - Nisqually Indian Tribe - Nisqually, WA

NATURE OF WORK: The Public Information Officer is responsible providing comprehensive public relations services for the Nisqually Tribe.


• Plan, direct, write, edit and produce news releases, brochures, newsletters, and reports.

• Produce photographs, slides, video productions and other materials.

• Meet with policy and technical staff to discuss current and future tribal public relations needs.

• Maintain and enhance positive public relations contacts with local and regional media including newspaper and magazine publishers, and radio and television stations.

• Respond to media inquiries for information by providing background materials or providing referrals to appropriate tribal representative or, with approval, serve as spokesman.

• Organize press conferences, editorial boards and media tours.

• Disseminate information concerning emergency measures, ensure pertinent information is made available to tribal authorities and handle related media relations as required by the Tribe’s Emergency Management Plan.

• Participate in cooperative communications process between tribes, federal, state, county, regional and special agencies, and organizations including civic groups.

• Plan and implement related conferences, workshops, and meetings.

• Perform other duties as assigned.


• Knowledge of Tribal government organization, programs, and functions.

• Knowledge of methods of determining needs for public information.

• Knowledge of methods and techniques of evaluating effectiveness of public relations programs.

• Knowledge of mass news media capabilities, procedures, and techniques

• Ability to identify and make recommendations for improving the effectiveness of policy or practices.

• Ability to establish credibility and be decisive.

• Ability to select effective methods and techniques of disseminating a variety of information.

• Ability to advise top management officials regarding program impact upon public.

• Ability to organize, prepare, and present comprehensive public information and education programs utilizing mass news media.

• Ability to establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with members of the press, the public, and staff.

• Ability to understand and follow complex oral and written instructions and technical terminology.

• Ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing.

• Ability to establish and maintain organized work methods.

• Ability to plan, lead and coordinate work and projects under strict deadlines and under limited supervision.


• Master’s degree in Journalism, Public Relations or a related field AND two years of reporting experience for a daily or large weekly newspaper OR a comparable combination of education and/or experience.

• Strong writing, editing, photographic, and production publication skills.

• Must have a valid driver’s license and be insurable under the Tribe’s insurance policy.

Source by [author_name]

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