United States of America: Grants Operations Manager

OVERVIEW/Core Functions: The primary responsibility of the Grants Operations Manager will be to manage and facilitate the process for those applying for grants from Global Ministries including program staff reviewing technical aspects of grants and staff responsible for the administration of the grants submission and approval process.


• Conduct partner assessment, background checks, review of applications, communicating with the partners (queries and result of the application).

• Conduct analysis of GBGM grants documentation and procedures. Make recommendations for improvements to GBGM grants-making, tracking and reporting processes.

• Provide opportunities for feedback on improved paperwork and procedures to the grants-making units. Working with Executives from GBGM, Finance and Administration, Monitoring and Evaluation and other relevant GBGM offices, develop a grants-making policies and procedures manual.

• Provide regular input and guidance to the software development team as it develops grants management software. Work with the IT unit to test and roll-out grants management software.

• Supervise International Development Administrative Assistant.


Grants Systems Management:

• Assess GBGM’s current grant making processes and information management needs in order to implement a grants management software system; design workflows, applications, review and approval processes and reports according to best practices and compliance requirements.

• Create a grant making policies and procedures manual.

• Work with grant making teams to design their program grant making philosophy and guidelines.

Capacity Strengthening:

• Develop and facilitate capacity-strengthening opportunities for grantees on all aspects of grants management (including grant applications, budget management, reporting, etc.).

• Work closely with GBGM Executives to develop and promote best practices among staff in grants management.

• Develop and implement new tools for continuous improvement and effectiveness of grants management.

Monitoring & Evaluation:

• Work closely with GBGM and M&E Executives to build and execute M&E plans and processes, strengthen staff and grantee capacity for grants management, and ensure transparency and accountability within GBGM and partners.

• Conduct site visits to support and monitor partners as appropriate.

Strategic Partnerships and Guidance:

• Liaise with Methodist-related institutions; NGOs, FBO’s, and CBO’s; government and multi-lateral institutions and donors; and grantees. Work with internal staff (Communications & Development, Finance, Legal Counsel, and Leadership) to ensure that GBGM’s reporting needs are met via the grants management software system.

• Participate in relevant meetings, in order to maintain a working knowledge of resource issues and strategic priorities.

• Develop and implement new strategies for continuous improvement and effectiveness of grants management.


• Must have at least three (3) to five (5) years’ experience in grants management at a grant making organization; experience using monitoring and evaluation frameworks; experience living or working overseas and with a faith-based organization a plus.

• Depth of knowledge in the area of grant administration processing.

• Strong planning, development and organizational skills.

• Experience in international missionary work is a strong plus.

• Knowledge of the United Methodist Church a strong plus

• Experience living and working abroad in developing countries is highly desirable

• Fluency in other languages desirable.

• Must have at least three (3) to five (5) years’ experience in grants management at a grant making organization; experience using monitoring and evaluation frameworks; experience living or working overseas and with a faith-based organization a plus.

• Ability to effectively communicate with people of diverse cultures in person.

• Ability to manage the grants administration process with a high level of responsibility.

• Ability to strategically plan and implement grant administration processes.

• Have a flexible leadership style and ability to relate to staff at all levels and all units within the organization.

• A strong attention to detail, and work well in a team environment.

• Adept at managing relationships and projects in a church or faith based setting.

• Excellent multi-tasking and organizational skills, nothing slips by you unnoticed.

• The ability to produce professional communication documents.

• Skill at managing project tasks in a timely manner.

• Have solid experience collaborating with multiple stakeholders.

• Have the ability to manage time well.

• Are positive, creative, flexible and up for an adventure, doing work that makes a difference.

• Ability to be flexible in fast-paced environment and strategize under pressure.

• Masters or equivalent experience in International Development, International Relations, International Health, Humanitarian Assistance, Global Health, or related field required.

• Experience working with institutional donors, such as but not limited to U.S. government (USAID, DOS, etc.), UN agencies, DFID, EU and Global Fund a plus.

• Strong knowledge of international grant making, ability to coordinate projects and all aspects of grants management (pre-proposal, application, approval, award, reporting, grant closeout). Keen understanding of project cycle management.

• Advanced computer skills using MS Office, grants management tools and other databases.

• Fluency in a language in addition to English highly desired, French or Spanish preferred.

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