Essential Functions
ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS: The following list was developed through a job analysis; however, it is not exhaustive and other duties may be required and assigned. A person with a disability which is covered by the ADA must be able to perform the essential functions of the job unaided or with the assistance of a reasonable accommodation. The list of essential functions is to be used as a starting point to determine essential functions for a specific position at a specific location at a specific time. The ADA was intended to be applied on a case-by-case basis with the understanding that one position may differ from another similar position. The performance of non-essential functions is not optional for employees not covered under the ADA.
ESSENTIAL FUNCTION: Prepares and manages the operating budget and other revenue funds for the department using financial data and records, spreadsheet software, AS400, calculator and other general office equipment following city guidelines in order to comply with budget objectives and to provide accurate accounting of funds expended.
Develops accurate projections for each line item in the budget and compiles supporting documentation.
Develops revenue projections for the enterprise fund(s).
Meets with management to discuss revenues and budget proposals and to establish the priority of different requests.
Participates in determining budget and revenue strategies such as implementing an expenditure in phases over several budget years.
Attends budget review hearings to assist with explanations and justification of budget requests
Monitors revenues, expenditures and encumbrances to identify potential overdrafts and surpluses and ensure that funds are removed from appropriate accounts.
Maintains ledger of all internal sub-accounts in order to ensure that budgeted money is used appropriately throughout the department.
Prepares periodic reports on budget transactions including reports on the status of budgetary accounts.
Makes recommendations for changes to the budget and initiates action to transfer funds.
Troubleshoots and resolves budget issues such as low inventory or budget overruns, etc.
Closes out all financial transactions at years end.
Monitors expenses for community development grants and capital improvement projects to include accounting for expenses and maintaining documentation of the transactions.
Prepares and administers grants to fund special projects or improvements.
Completes necessary paperwork to request reimbursement of city expenditures from state and federal resources.
Serves as the department liaison with outside consultants or volunteers for capital fund-raising campaigns or other fund raising initiatives.
Ensures that accurate files are maintained of all transactions in order to comply with audit regulations and maintain a history of the department’s fiscal operations.
Coordinates community action transactions to include maintaining a record of utilities, preparing invoices, and depositing money received.
Receives and distributes money received from outside sources, for example, donations or grants received for specific uses or programs.
Manages money for various departmental programs and projects by disseminating cash to cashiers during the event, balancing cash drawers, making deposits, and preparing reports regarding expenses.
Maintains a petty cash fund for the department.
Monitors progress, billings, payments, and schedules on all architectural/engineering contracts, City construction projects, subdivision development, and works closely with construction inspectors to ensure all construction activities run as timely and efficiently as possible.
Maintains account expenditures and project status for construction projects.
Collects fees for plat sheets, topographic maps and aerial photos issued to the public, maintains records and periodically transfers funds to Finance Department.
Receives statements for services rendered and processes for payment.
Maintains record of overtime worked by inspectors on subdivision work, bills developers, receives payment, forwards to Finance Department; maintains associated logs and files.
ESSENTIAL FUNCTION: Manages the purchase of equipment and supplies and the procurement of services within the department following city, state and federal laws and regulations in order to obtain the highest quality merchandise at the lowest possible price.
Confers with staff to determine purchasing needs and specifications.
Maintains the necessary office supplies and equipment.
Researches availability, quality, and price of equipment and supplies.
Contacts vendors to obtain quotes for stock and special order items negotiates prices with contracted vendors.
Compares costs and evaluates the quality and suitability of supplies, materials and equipment.
Processes contracts to include reviewing contract documents for completeness and accuracy and auditing and ensuring appropriateness of progress payments for contracts.
Verifies the availability of funds for purchases.
Reviews requisitions for conformance to the budget and notifies administrator of requisitions for non-budgeted items
Prepares purchase orders, requests for proposals, bids, bid specifications, special pay authorizations, and other necessary documents related to the purchase of supplies, equipment, services and materials.
Administers contracts for purchase of supplies, equipment and materials.
Processes or commissions city vehicles for use to include handling the paperwork for licensing, registration, vehicle tags and insurance.
Determines the appropriate course of action regarding emergency purchasing situations.
Establishes and maintains an adequate internal control structure for the department surrounding the purchasing and inventory operations.
Maintains a variety of logs and records relating to the purchase and procurement of materials, supplies and equipment.
Ensures that items/services received are matched with purchase orders/contracts.
Resolves problems with vendors.
ESSENTIAL FUNCTION: Manages the processing of personnel transactions using the computer, personnel transaction forms, and other general office equipment following Montgomery City-County Personnel Board Rules, state and federal personnel laws, and city and departmental policies and procedures in order to ensure that the department’s employees are working with established guidelines.
Ensures that new employees are appropriately processed to include the completion of forms, the coordination of a start date, and the establishment of a personnel file and computer account.
Reviews transaction forms for accuracy.
Ensures the proper authorization and documentation is present for the transaction.
Ensures that transactions are submitted within applicable time lines.
Ensures that workers’ compensation claims are processed appropriately to include the completion of forms, notification to insurer, and the coordination of medical care.
Ensures that exiting employees are processed appropriately to include calculation of final leave totals and completion of forms and computer records.
ESSENTIAL FUNCTION: Manages the preparation, processing, and balancing of the department’s payrolls using the computer, computer records, leave and time records, calculator and other general office equipment following federal and state labor laws and city and departmental policies and procedures in order to ensure that the department’s payroll is accurate and timely.
Ensures that payroll is prepared according to established time frames, guidelines and procedures.
Calculates and records all employee leave such as compensatory, overtime, annual, sick, personal, jury duty, leave without pay, administrative leave, military leave, holiday leave, Worker’s Compensation and/or FMLA leave.
Calculates and records hours worked for hourly and contract employees.
Calculates the percentage of revenues owed to contract employees in order to determine the appropriate amount to pay the employees.
Ensures that all employee leave time and hours worked are entered into the AS400 system and ensures it is coded properly.
Compiles and verifies payroll-related reports.
Balances payroll to include overtime, leave without pay, hours worked, and leave taken.
Reviews payroll, time and leave information and makes appropriate corrections.
Provides information to employees and City Finance regarding pay, payroll deductions, and benefit options.
Monitors employee’s length of service to ensure that leave accumulation is appropriate for employee’s length of service and that it is updated when appropriate.
Receives and processes copies of military orders as verification of military leave.
ESSENTIAL FUNCTION: Coordinates building and grounds maintenance for the department using forms, fax, telephone, work orders, and computer, following department policies and procedures, in order to ensure the upkeep of City properties.
Obtains or reviews estimates for maintenance or repairs to buildings or properties.
Coordinates maintenance or repairs with the Building Maintenance Mechanic, Maintenance Department or outside contractors as needed.
Visually inspects properties to determine the conditions, including damage or deterioration to buildings and grounds and discusses problems with employees.
Prioritizes maintenance and repairs based on available funds.
ESSENTIAL FUNCTION: Supervises two or more permanent employees using sign in/out sheets, leave register, and a calculator following Montgomery City-County Personnel Rules and Regulations, Employee Handbook, and departmental polices and procedures in order to ensure that the workload is fairly distributed, ensure that adequate staff levels are maintained, monitor performance and communicate information to the staff.
Verifies time sheets of employees for accuracy.
Verifies leave balance that is available for use by employees.
Schedules lunch breaks to ensure that office is adequately staffed.
Schedules and approves leave.
Trains employees on work tasks.
Monitors work levels and adjusts work accordingly.
Monitors and evaluates employee performance.
Prepares performance evaluations for employees.
Counsels employees concerning work performance.
Makes recommendations regarding employee status to the management staff.
Documents continuing or serious problems as directed.
Communicates with personnel orally and in writing regarding work rules, changes in procedures and general information.
Refers serious or recurring problems in performance to superior.
Interviews applicants for employment and makes recommendations for hiring, retention and discipline of City and contract employees.
ESSENTIAL FUNCTION: Performs public relations duties using general office equipment following city and departmental policies and procedures in order to promote services, programs and special events.
Designs and prints flyers, posters, post cards, invitations and programs.
Prepares and distributes calendar of events.
Composes public service announcements, news releases or advertisements to promote events.
Takes photographs and video tapes of special events.
Maintains scrapbooks and other historical records of departmental activities.
Updates and maintains electronic marquee announcing upcoming events and/or services.
Obtains quotes and prepares estimates for public relations and marketing goods and services.
Responds to questions from the public and assists in resolving complaints.
Plans and coordinates special events to include ordering food, physical lay-out of the facility and determining what equipment is needed.
ESSENTIAL FUNCTION: Coordinates department security using security alarms, monitors or computers, following department policies and procedures, and local, state and federal laws, in order to safeguard employees, patrons and property.
Evaluates security needs of the department and estimates costs of property loss and prevention, as well as threats or past incidents of violence to individuals.
Makes recommendations for contracted security services such as security guards or alarm systems.
Monitors security services to ensure that contractual obligations are met.
Reports complaints concerning contract workers or alarm services to contractors.
Coordinates the investigation of injuries, theft, fire or vandalism with appropriate authorities.
Develops polices and procedures to ensure the safety and security of employees, patrons and the public.
Responds to emergencies after regular work hours as needed.
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities
Knowledge of bookkeeping principles and practices that includes balancing accounts and tracing errors in financial transactions.
Knowledge of governmental accounting to include budgeting procedures, general funds, capital project funds, fixed assets, and capital expenditures
Knowledge of payroll procedures and practices to include the procedures for processing temporary and permanent employees, part-time and full time employees, exempt and non-exempt employees, and weekly and bi-weekly employees.
Knowledge of policies, procedures and practices of assigned department.
Knowledge of local, state, or federal laws, codes, regulations or legislative acts pertaining to employee benefit or payroll programs to include keeping records for audit and verifying reports generated by the computerized payroll system.
Knowledge of the federal and state guidelines regarding Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) to include eligibility, the types of leave, enforcement procedures and remedies.
Knowledge of federal and state guidelines regarding military leave to include eligibility, the duration of allowable compensated time, enforcement procedures and remedies.
Knowledge of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) to include eligibility, the types of leave covered, enforcement procedures and remedies.
Knowledge of COBRA to include eligibility, the types of insurance options offered, enforcement procedures and remedies.
Knowledge of Worker’s Compensation laws, guidelines, and forms to include the stipulations for receiving worker’s compensation, calculating holding days, and reporting the required information to the appropriate departments.
Knowledge of federal and state income tax laws to include policies of exemptions and claims.
Knowledge of mathematical applications such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, percentages, and fractions.
Knowledge of statistical methods to include computing averages and percent changes.
Knowledge of principles and practices of large scale centralized purchasing.
Knowledge of laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, and other requirements governing the purchase of commodities and services for the facility.
Knowledge of administrative and clerical procedures and systems such as word processing, filing and record management systems, and other office procedures and terminology.
Knowledge of computer software applications such as Microsoft Excel, Word, Outlook, Internet and mainframe applications such as AS400 as needed to save, retrieve and organize information at an advanced level.
Knowledge of Montgomery City-County Personnel Board Rules as needed to accurately calculate and report employee time and employment transactions.
Knowledge of city payroll and personnel related forms to include the proper manner to complete and process forms as needed to complete and verify personnel forms, payroll forms, and other administrative forms.
Knowledge of property management principles and procedures to include building maintenance, security and safety.
Knowledge of advertising to include strategy, media use, creation, and production of advertisements and measurement of advertising effectiveness.
Knowledge of public relations as applied to non-profit organizations to include the objectives of a public relations program, research methods, internal and external relationships, and press relations as needed to provide a comprehensive public relations program.
Knowledge of public relation and information contacts to include the national, state, and local press corps as needed to gather information and select the most appropriate resources for disseminating information.
Knowledge of professional marketing methods, principles and techniques as needed to develop effective public relations/marketing strategies for the department.
Knowledge of journalistic and informational styles and of applicable writing styles and level of knowledge as needed to create thorough and aesthetically pleasing publications.
Knowledge of various communications media such as television, radio, newspapers, and the Internet as needed to determine the most appropriate outlet for the organization’s promotional strategies.
Knowledge of publication production including design, print specifications and bidding procedures as needed to create thorough and aesthetically pleasing publications.
Skill in the use of photographic and video equipment to include 35mm cameras, digital cameras, and video cameras as needed to document various organizational events.
Ability to communicate orally to include the use of standard English grammar, clarity, and explaining complex concepts on the level of the listener.
Ability to communicate in writing to include the use of standard English grammar, spelling, punctuation and sentence structure and logical ordering of ideas as needed to compose documents such as memo and letters.
Ability to read and understand documents such as reports, regulations, pay plans, computer printouts or manuals as needed to relay information to employees, department heads or to interpret, utilize or analyze data.
Ability to interpret contract information to include guidelines, timelines, and payout and reimbursement details.
Ability to interpret complex data such as spreadsheet computations, charts, and graphs as needed to aid in interpreting payroll data.
Ability to maintain and ensure the confidentiality of employee personnel files and contents.
Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with supervisors, department office employees or other agencies to include tact, courtesy, and diplomacy as needed to provide and request information.
Ability to manage time and projects for self and others.
Ability to trace mathematical errors in records as needed to locate and correct discrepancies in financial records.
Ability to forecast expenditures based on current and previous expenses or other appropriate factors.
Ability to make arithmetic and statistical calculations based on financial data.
Ability to analyze problems to include reviewing all relevant information, identifying related items and issues, tracking events in time, interpreting data, and securing additional information.
Ability to solve problems to include weighting alternatives, evaluating the impact of decisions, honoring confidentiality, and considering consequences.
Ability to conduct research by gathering information from various sources such as hard copy files, computer files, and interviews as needed to determine purchasing needs of the facility and locate errors in inmate accounts.
Ability to supervise subordinate employees to include scheduling and assigning work, establishing and applying standards for performance in a fair and impartial manner, distinguishing between effective and ineffective procedures and job performance, providing appropriate discipline interpreting and implementing instructions by management, explaining or demonstrating work techniques, and sharing appropriate information as needed to accomplish the mission and goals of the division and the department.
Minimum Qualifications
Bachelor’s degree in business administration, public administration, or a closely related field and two years of fiscal or property management experience involving payroll, purchasing, and budgeting with one year of supervisory experience.
Special Requirements