United States of America: National Logistics Working Groups Specialist, Consultancy

Organization: UN Children"s Fund

Country: United States of America

Closing date: 29 Jun 2015


The Effective Vaccine Management (EVM) continuous improvement cycle is based on a thorough assessment of the supply chain performance to identify opportunities for improvement and to then leverage resources to implement those improvement. This process requires a long term engagement often involving several technical partners and stakeholders. In order to ensure a coordinated and focused approach World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF recommend to establish or to strengthen existing national logistics working groups (NLWGs). The NLWGs should be the custodians of the EVM improvement plan and ensure that its recommendations are implemented and thus also monitor implementation. The recent TechNet (http://www.technet-21.org) meeting in Bangkok (May 2015) also reviewed the role and successes that national logistics working groups have in different countries (e.g. Mozambique, Nigeria, India, Uganda, Ethiopia,…) to improve the coordination and implementation of national immunization supply chain priorities. Furthermore, UNICEF is engaged in several countries to establish and strengthen such working groups.


National logistics working groups have been found to be instrumental in improving the performance of supply chain management at the country level. A few guidelines and frameworks for creating and running leadership groups exist, some specific for Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI); such as working group for organizing supplementary immunization activities; while others are not targeted specifically to EPI. These leadership groups may take different forms and names – the Health Workforce Observatory in Ghana, or Commodity Coordinating Committees, a Stakeholder Leadership Group, or a Logistics Technical Working Group, for example. Despite the name, these groups bring together different stakeholders and ensure a coordinated and focused approach to improve supply chain performance.

The purpose and scope of this consultancy is to develop standards and indicators to help define and assess national logistics working groups[1] (NLWG). To achieve this, a landscape analysis needs to be performed to map which countries have a NLWG established and analyze their existing Terms of Reference and modus operandi. Best practices from within immunization and outside EPI will be collected to define how the functioning of these groups can be improved and to derive standards. The final objective is to develop guidelines, standardized ToRs and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to establish and manage NLWGs in order to improve supply chain management, accountability and leadership at country level.

[1] This work can leverage the work done by WHO and others on NITAGs, e.g. Indicators to assess National Immunization Technical Advisory Groups (NITAGs). Vaccine. 2013 May 28;31(23):2653-7. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2013.01.047. Epub 2013 Feb 8.

Main Duties:

Conduct a landscape analysis through desk reviews, survey questionnaires, and interviews to include the following aspects:

a. Map the countries that have NLWGs established

b. Analyze existing TORs for these groups

c. Perform stakeholder interviews to understand bottlenecks and key success drivers for the NLWGs

d. Review other initiatives such as Supporting National Independent Immunization and Vaccine Advisory Initiative (SIVAC) to establish NITAGs, but also outside of routine immunization, e.g. child health working groups, pneumonia & diarrhea working groups, essential medicines logistics working groups

Develop a clear proposition about value, roles and functions of NLWGs; document this clear proposition in a position paper that can be taken to IPAC (Immunization Practices Advisory Committee) and eventually to the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) for eventual endorsement.

Develop standards and indicators to assess NLWGs that could be integrated in future EVM

Develop guidance document for countries in setting up and operationalizing these LWGs:

a. Map required resources (guidance, training, “standardized” TOR templates, monitoring tools, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the establishment and strengthening of NLWGs

b. Identify existing tools and resources for NLWGs; develop additional necessary materials, drawing on existing guidance documents without duplicating efforts

c. Develop case studies from lessons learned of existing NLWGs experiences

d. Leverage TechNet and the International Association of Public Health Logisticians (IAPHL) platforms to share materials and develop a community of practice

Develop a framework for providing technical assistance:

a. Establish standardized Terms of References for consultants that can be deployed to strengthen / establish national logistics working groups

Duty station: Remote Based

Travel: Up to 6 country missions to Africa and Asia

Duration: Start date:19 July 2015 End date:28 February 2015

Timeframe: 115 working days

*Can include weekends/holidays, but only with supervisor’s written approval

Payment will be based on the deliverables accomplished, and on the actual number of days worked.


· Minimum: University Degree in relevant field (business planning, public administration, supply chain management, development studies, procurement, logistics, etc.)

· At least 10 years Senior-level work experience in the field of health systems strengthening, human resources for health and health supply chain management

· Demonstrated knowledge in the field of health supply chains, immunization and human resources management

· Demonstrated experience in developing training and guidance materials

· Demonstrated experience in developing assessments and performing landscape analysis

· Excellent research and analytical skills

· Fluency in English; second language an advantage

· Excellent writing skills

· Experience interfacing with national/international multi-stakeholders in multi-cultural environment

*Please see deliverables in attached chart.

How to apply:

How to Apply

Applicants are requested to send their submissions to <**pdconsultants@unicef.org>with subject line: **“National Logistics Working Groups Specialist, Consultancy”by 29 June 2015, 5:00pm EST.

Applications must include:

· Cover letter,

· CV, and

· P-11 form (http://www.unicef.org/about/employ/files/P11.doc)

· Indicate where you heard about this advertisement

Please indicate your ability, availability and daily/monthly rate (in US$) to undertake the terms of reference above. Applications submitted without a daily/monthly rate will not be considered.

UNICEF is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.

Source by [author_name]

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