File Clerk Greensboro - Law Firm-Greensboro - Greensboro, NC

Greensboro Law Firm seeks an individual to assist in our office with filing, scanning and other administrative duties.Duties include but are not limited to: Interaction with clients and employeesResponding to and answering email & faxesAnswering phonesFiling-alphabetical and chronological orderScanningIdeal applicant will have: High School Diploma & Some CollegeGood work record, attendance, references and backgroundStrong work ethic and positive attitudeClose attention to detail and high regard for accuracyGreat organization/multitasking skillsExcellent written and verbal communication skillsExperience in Microsoft Office Applications (Word & Outlook)Ability to work independently and as part of a teamPosition offers pleasant work environment and benefits after 90 daysFull time hours 8:30 a.m. -5:00 p.m. Monday-FridayPlease respond to this ad with a cover letter and resume.No phone calls please.

Job Type: Full-time

Required education:

  • High school or equivalent

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Please review all application instructions before applying to Law Firm-Greensboro.

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