United States of America: Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice - Youth and Peacebuilding Intern

Organization: Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice (University of San Diego)

Country: United States of America

Closing date: 01 Sep 2015

RESEARCH INTERN – WorldLink High School Program (September 14 – December 11)

Organizational Summary

As part of the University of San Diego"s Joan B. Kroc School of Peace Studies, the Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice (IPJ) is at the nexus of practice, policy and learning in peacebuilding and human rights. The institute works in the field with local partner organizations in conflict-affected countries, bringing together civil society, governments, the security sector and human rights advocates to address the inequalities that fuel conflict to find paths to sustainable peace. Through dialogue, training in conflict resolution, negotiations and policy advocacy, the institute encourages local communities to come together and take the lead in preventing and ending cycles of violence.

Position Summary

The Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice is seeking a part-time intern to conduct and compile research and provide support for WorldLink’s 19th Annual Youth Town Meeting, a one-day conference focused on global topics that brings together 750 high school students from San Diego and Baja Mexico and 25 leading experts in international affairs. The intern"s primary responsibility is to assist Senior Program Officer Debbie Martinez with research and support for the WorldLink annual conference.

For more information see the IPJ website

Specific responsibilities will include:

  • Reviewing and analyzing student-selected global topics, including but not limited to human rights and conflict resolution

  • Helping coordinate the implementation of student-selected global topics into semester events, activities, school visits and annual conference

  • Working closely with four high school interns and providing support to their respective research and media projects

This unpaid internship will be 20 hours per week in the IPJ offices and will include writing about the research for IPJ publications. Hours worked are flexible to accommodate a student schedule.


  • Demonstrated interest in human rights and conflict resolution

  • Strong research and writing skills

  • Experience with working with high school youth

  • Experience with coordinating events

  • Attention to detail

Learning Outcomes

  • Development of research, writing and critical thinking skills, with guidance and support from senior program officer in youth and peacebuilding

  • Practical experience in working closely with high school youth

  • Exposure and opportunity to connect with IPJ and WorldLink networks

How to apply:

To apply please send the following to Daniel Orth, dorth@sandiego.edu. Deadline for applications is September 1, 2015 at 5pm PST.

  1. A completed Application Form

  2. Resume – 2-page maximum

  3. Essay – 500-word maximum, stating your interest in the work of the IPJ, your objectives for and expectations of an IPJ internship, and how these apply to your career goals.

  4. Writing sample– 10-page maximum

  5. Two to three references, at least one of which must be a professor. Names of references can be included on CV. (Note: Actual letters of reference are not required; however the IPJ may contact your references via email or telephone.)

  6. Original transcripts– unofficial web transcript(s) submitted with application (if selected, you will be asked to provide an official transcript) from each college or university attended.

Please Note:This internship is unpaid and while we encourage international applicants, we cannot provide them with assistance in securing a visa, nor cover the costs of the visa and the health insurance required by the University of San Diego.

Source by [author_name]

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