Customer Champion job - Wistia - Cambridge, MA

At Wistia, we make our biggest impact by taking care of our customers.

Web video can be pretty scary. As a company, we’ve worked hard to take the technically complicated and make it delightful, which includes our support experience. Providing quick, thoughtful, and knowledgeable support has made brand champions out of even our toughest customers. The Customer Champion is the star player in that experience.

Customer Champions guide our customers as they navigate new and uncertain territory. They walk them through their accounts, listen and offer ways Wistia can help their business, and answer Wistia-specific questions like “which embed code type is right for me?” They have the motivation to peel themselves off the mat after even the toughest support issues – because it’s the right thing to do for our customers. They are thorough, patient, creative, articulate, and great listeners.

Customer Champions learn to speak many languages, and put them to use bettering our application, our documentation, and team. As the advocate for our customers’ biggest issues, they act as the catalyst for discussions between marketing, product, and design. We’ve decided the best support is no support. That means Champs also lead the charge to improve the customer experience through fixing bugs or creating self-service resources.

As a Customer Happiness team, we’re a curious group – always digging deeper to learn more about what our customers really need. We encourage our teammates to formulate and stand up for their opinions. When we meet as a team, we’re talking about customer requests and experiences. Those discussions often lead to incredible insights that drive our customer’s happiness forward.

A Typical Customer Champion’s Day

  • 7:30 am Wake up, grab the Wheaties.

  • 9:30 am Arrive at the office. Brew some coffee and catch up on overnight support issues over email. Share important issues with other team members in our group chat.

  • 11:30 am Meet with other team members to lead them through recurring/larger feature workflow issues.

  • 12:30 pm Sit down for lunch with the rest of the team. We talk a lot about movies, self-improvement tips, current projects, and what we’re learning.

  • 1:30 pm Review upcoming updates with product lead to make sure customers will find it valuable and easy to use.

  • 2:15 pm Back into the inbox. Respond to a whole bunch of support issues, flagging a few for follow-up.

  • 6:30 pm Pack up and head home. Exhausted but happy.

If you’d excel in the role of Customer Champion, we’d be excited to talk with you!

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