United States of America: Senior Consultant – Comprehensive EVM Process for Equity and Innovation

Organization: UN Children"s Fund

Country: United States of America

Closing date: 13 Aug 2015


Since 2010, WHO and UNICEF have been supporting over 70 countries in assessing and addressing their immunization supply chain (ISC) bottlenecks. Using the Effective Vaccine Management (EVM) tool developed by WHO, the findings from the EVM assessments in many countries have highlighted a number of shortcomings. In response to these shortcomings, in 2014 the EVM strategy was expanded to a more comprehensive EVM (cEVM) approach. Spearheaded by the WHO-UNICEF Immunization Supply Chain and Logistics Hub, the cEVM approach responds to the need for countries to develop strategic immunization supply chain improvement plans that entail a health systems strengthening (HSS) rationale.

The cEVM approach will become the process at country level where innovative strategies will support the implementation of all the elements of the Global Alliance on Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) Immunization Supply Chain Strategy (cold chain equipment, people and practices, supply chain systems design, data for management). The objective is to translate strategic plans into results by leveraging change management and project implementation processes.

The overarching objective of cEVM is to fundamentally change the way WHO and UNICEF provide technical assistance to countries, from a single-step assessment to a comprehensive whole-lifecycle approach that links technical assessments, the development of a strategic immunization supply chain improvement plan, identifies and channels resources and channels, and links the recommendations with broader immunization programme and health systems plans (cMYP, HSS etc), in a way that enables monitoring, continuous improvement, capacity development and sustainability.

UNICEF recognizes that structured engagement with countries through the cEVM assessment, planning & capacity development process presents a unique opportunity to support countries in identifying and tackling their systemic bottlenecks to Routine Immunization outcomes, and building effective, sustainable and equitable immunization systems that are capable of managing ongoing and future innovations. The quality of this engagement contributes to the quality of cEVM Improvement Plans (IP) and national commitment to their implementation.

In order to successfully engage with countries and partners and actively support immunization supply chain overall improvement, UNICEF (and in alignment with WHO) is committed to championing the cEVM approach by engaging a wide array of stakeholders across all levels, including regional professional networks and civil society organizations (CSO).


In an effort to ensure lasting relevance and sustainability of the cEVM initiative, UNICEF in partnership with WHO through the Immunization Supply Chain Hub, seeks to engage a Senior Consultant to –

(a) advise*the Hub on the *adaptation*and*rollout of the cEVM guidance in the context of GAVI HSS and Joint Appraisal planning processes, and

(b) lead*the *development and adaptation of a framework for convergence of government and CSO capacities at a country level to facilitate sustainable management of technological and process innovations underpinning the gradual transfer of ownership for the cEVM process to countries.

In particular, the consultant will contribute to the following strategic areas of UNICEF’s work:

i. cEVM guidance

The Senior Consultant will provide authoritative input to the adaptation and rollout of the emerging WHO-UNICEF Guidance to countries on the four steps of the cEVM process, incl. support to the consultative process and in-country activities, related to adapting the guidance, ensuring alignment with the GAVI HSS and Joint Appraisal planning processes.

The objective is to ensure that the HSS rationale is embedded in all 4 steps of the cEVM process and supported by feasible practical guidelines and tools to guide countries and TA service providers on how to convert the findings from EVM assessments into strategic, implementable recommendations.

ii. Support global consultation and a country pilot on linking immunization supply chains with equity objectives and community outreach

The Senior Consultant will support UNICEF Program Division in a global consultation that will involve, Regional Offices and appropriate Country Offices, and other stakeholders about linking immunization supply chain strengthening with equity and community outreach and general HSS objectives. The Senior Consultant will also support a CO in developing the design of a country pilot to support this process.

This work will build on UNICEF’s work on “What does it take to immunize every child” (ftp://ftp.who.int/pub/Outgoing/GIM_PIA/PIA%20Background%20materials/UNICEF%20background%20docs/885691_NYC_Immunize_proof.pdf) and review this in the context of the WHO and UNICEF immunization supply chain Hub strategy to identify links and a common approach and priority interventions to strengthen equitable delivery of immunization and health services.

iii. Sustainability of technological and process innovations

The Senior Consultant will develop a guidance for governments undergoing the cEVM process, to assist in the prioritization and placement of ISC technological and process innovations within the EPI program. The guidance will provide specific recommendations in line with EVM priorities (i.e. innovative cold chain solutions, temperature monitoring systems, data for management systems, system design interventions…). The output will contain practical guidelines on how to prioritize, build in-country consensus for innovations in a national cEVM/HSS planning setting.

iv. Sustainability of the cEVM process

In the context of GAVI HSS and/or GAVI Joint Appraisal planning process, the Senior Consultant will submit a design proposal for a Technical Assistance coordination structure/mechanism at both global and country level and its SOPs, under WHO/UNICEF leadership, that will aim at:

· Assisting countries to improve articulation of Technical Assistance requirements;

· Supporting countries’ EPI sustainability efforts, by supporting capacity building initiatives, notably through South-South cooperation;

· Ensure quality standards for Technical Assistance;

· Align with cEVM advocacy efforts at global and country level;

The senior consultant should refine and finalize this framework in consultation with regional and selective country offices undergoing a GAVI JA / HSS or cEVM process.

v. Manuscript

The senior consultant will write a manuscript for publication in a peer reviewed journal about lessons learned from investments budgeted through GAVI HSS to strengthen immunization supply chains.

Duty StationRemote based

Timeframe125 working days, as requested by the Immunization Team

Start date: 21 September 2015 End date: 31 May 2016

Key competencies, technical background, and experience required


· Outstanding analytical, solution-oriented, and interpersonal skills.

· Effective facilitator with proven ability to engage and train a group of individuals with varied backgrounds incl. at senior government level.

· Strong communication and writing skills, with ability to influence high level decision-makers.

· Demonstrated ability to work in a multi-cultural environment and establish harmonious and effective working relationships with both headquarters and field staff.

Technical skills and knowledge

· Advanced university degree in health, public policy, or related sciences. Academic focus or equivalent work experience on public health, operations and management an advantage.

· Knowledge of the WHO/UNICEF, GAVI and international donor environment.

· Knowledge of inter-disciplinary approaches in programme development and health sector strengthening

· Familiarity with participatory needs assessment tools and processes

· Knowledge of ICT applied to health and development including health informatics, eLearning, eHealth and mHealth

· Knowledge of EVM Assessments an advantage

Work experience

· Fifteen years of professional work experience in public health with expertise in the development, planning and management of social development programmes, and the adaptation and application of strategic planning processes, incl. extensive experience in health systems & community systems strengthening, and senior level international development management.

· At least ten years’ experience in a developing country context in change management, networking and communications, with demonstrated proficiency in reaching consensus among governments and implementing partners.

· Experience supporting civil society organisations (CSO) in the field of public health and health service delivery, incl. proven track record in engaging CSOs in national capacity development architectures.

· Experience in the planning and delivery of technical assistance related to global health in particular to GAVI processes and GAVI HSS.

· Experience interfacing with national ministries of health and community-based organisations required.

· Experience with the GAVI Independent Review Committee (IRC) required.


· Proficiency in English, Portuguese and French required.

*Please see deliverables in attached chart.

How to apply:

How to Apply

Applicants are requested to send their submissions to <**pdconsultants@unicef.org>with subject line: **Senior Consultant – Comprehensive EVM Process for Equity and Innovationby 13 August 2015, 5:00pm EST.

Applications must include:

· Cover letter,

· CV, and

· Indicate where you heard about this advertisement

Please indicate your ability, availability and daily/monthly rate (in US$) to undertake the terms of reference above. Applications submitted without a daily/monthly rate will not be considered.

NOTE: Files should not exceed 5.0MB limit

UNICEF is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.

Source by [author_name]

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