United States of America: Internship

The Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor, the Arms Control Association, and the Forum on the Arms Trade are currently looking for an intern to provide support to Monitor Program Manager and ACA Non-Resident Senior Fellow Jeff Abramson working on a range of topics across institutions.

Internship description This internship position provides an exciting opportunity to develop research, fact-checking, operational, coordination and networking skills. The intern will be exposed to a wide range of researchers, organizations and individuals – including an international network of campaigners, as well as representatives of governments and international organizations.

The length of the internship is flexible, but must be at least two months and include a good portion of (northern) summer 2016. If available to start immediately, the internship will be focused on tracking presidential candidate positions and media, and population of multiple websites. During the summer, key work will include factchecking research and preparing for the Meeting of States Parties for the Convention on Cluster Munitions to be held in Geneva in early September. Please visit our websites for more information www.the-monitor.org, www.armscontrol.org, www.forumarmstrade.org

We are looking for candidates that are interested in the following areas of work:

Monitoring and Researching

  • Analyzing presidential candidate positions on Forum on the Arms Trade-related topics

  • Researching, updating and compiling information including tracking of media

  • Fact-checking Country Profile and other research drafts for factual errors and ensuring publishable quality in terms of style

  • Searching and collecting images for the Monitor research publications

  • Tracking reports submission and progress throughout the production process

  • Possible opportunities to write news articles or blog posts for all organizations

Public Engagement, including Online

  • Drafting content for the Monitor and Forum on the Arms Trade newsletters

  • Updating websites

  • Attending events, briefings, and meetings and provide notes and analysis of information presented

  • Assisting with the execution of public and private events, briefings, and meetings

  • Developing infographics, interactive maps and other data visualizations (if capable)

Qualifications Individuals who are studying for or have completed a university degree and who are interested in pursuing a career in campaigning, politics, journalism, international relations or a related field. In addition, the ideal candidates will have:

  • Strong motivation and demonstrate interest in arms control, disarmament, human rights and/or humanitarian issues

  • Strong written and oral communications skills in English

  • Excellent organizational and analytical skills as well as attention to detail

  • Very good computer skills, including knowledge and experience in Microsoft Office software (Powerpoint,

  • Word, Excel), use of Google docs, and capability to update websites (advanced skill not necessary).

  • Experience of website content management systems is an asset, as is graphic design.

  • The ability to work as part of a team, as well as being proactive and working well under low supervision and to tight deadlines


Hours: Full time preferred (9-5, Monday – Friday during the summer, interns available to start prior to mid-May are asked to commit at least 16 hours per week until summer begins) Compensation: This is an unpaid internship. Travel to and from work or work-related events are reimbursed. Daily food stipend of $10.00.

About the Organizations

Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor (“the Monitor”) provides research and monitoring for the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL) and the Cluster Munition Coalition (CMC). The Monitor has conducted neutral and independent research on landmine, cluster munition, and explosive remnants of war (ERW) issues since 1999. Each year the initiative produces reports with information on cluster munitions and mine use, production, trade, stockpiling, contamination, clearance, casualties, victim assistance, and support for mine action. Landmine Monitor and Cluster Munition Monitor Reports are seen as the most comprehensive source of information on mines, cluster munitions, and other ERW. The Monitor also produces a series of thematically relevant Fact Sheets and Briefing Papers, country profiles for every country in the world, in addition to maps and tables on thematic issues.

The Arms Control Association (ACA) is an independent non-profit located in Washington, D.C. working on international disarmament and nonproliferation issues. The organization is dedicated to promoting public awareness and providing policy makers practical policy solutions to reduce the risks posed by the world’s most dangerous weapons.

The Forum on the Arms Trade is an information clearinghouse, forum, and point of contact for strengthening efforts to address the economic, humanitarian and security implications of legal, illicit, and illegal arms transfers. Focused primarily on U.S. arms transfers and security assistance, the Forum is a professional network of civil society experts working on arms control, development, human rights and related topics. Based in Washington DC, the Forum provides a venue for bringing its community’s wide-ranging expertise together to amplify and strengthen its work, while also offering government and media members a one-stop resource for the latest information and best contacts.

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