Caffeine Digital is an experienced social media marketing firm. We have a proven track record of making brands go viral.
We are looking for applicants with 500+ followers on social media sites to advertise our brands to a large crowd.
With over 10 years in Internet Marketing, we have the experience necessary that allowed us to become one of the largest affiliate networks in the social media space! We consistently offer creative ways to monetize large audiences while keeping them engaged simultaneously. Through a variety of different offers such as Diet, Muscle, and App offers you will be able to make TONS of cash in ways you never imagined possible!
Compensation: $5,000+ monthly.
How to apply: Upload a document that answers the following questions:
What is your main Twitter handle that we can contact you through?
Please provide a list of all of your accounts & Current Follower Counts:
What social media platform is most of your traffic on? :
Instant Messaging Platform & Username (Kik, Skype):
Salary: $5,000.00 /month