Organization: US Agency for International Development
Country: United States of America
Closing date: 26 May 2015
The OTI Travel & Operations Specialist – Washington, DC is a full time Personal Services Contract (PSC) position at the GS-9/11/12 equivalent level located in Colombia. Applications for this position are due no later than May 26, 2015 at 5:00 pm Eastern Time. For full information about this position, as well as instructions on how to apply, please read the entire solicitation at
The Travel & Operations Specialist is responsible for managing and coordinating travel for program-funded U.S. Personal Service Contractor staff, and providing operations services (e.g. information management and technology, finance and general administrative) in support of OTI’s program implementation. Given the contingent, operational, and flexible nature of OTI’s political transition work overseas, the Travel & Operations Specialist’s duties may evolve and change depending on the operational and programmatic needs of the office.
The work of the Travel & Operations Specialist requires teamwork, the exercise of discretion, judgment, and personal responsibility. As a member of a highly operational office, the incumbent is willing and able to perform a wide range of administrative functions to help ensure programmatic success. The incumbent has a high level of integrity and attention to detail to ensure the use of OTI systems and procedures to maintain effective and efficient management of funds, programming, and monitoring and evaluation. The incumbent is highly flexible and willing to work under conditions of ongoing change, and remains professional and respectful of colleagues and authority in a diverse workforce. She or he places a premium on the building of positive relationships with his or her respective team both in the field and in Washington, and with key stakeholders both in and outside of USAID. The incumbent is able to prioritize and complete tasks without follow-up by the supervisor, while also filling in gaps as needed to ensure the responsiveness of the team. The Travel & Operations Specialist is a strategic thinker, articulates innovative ideas, presents solutions, and is a positive role model for colleagues both in and outside of OTI.
Under the direct supervision of the OTI Travel Team Leader or his/her designee, the Travel & Operations Specialist will perform the following duties:
At the GS-9 Level:
- Prepare travel authorizations in the Agency travel system for Washington based program-funded staff traveling on temporary duty assignments within the United States and overseas, including processing of travel requests, ensuring that all clearances have been obtained and that required documentation (itineraries, country clearances, and funding) has been prepared. Prepare assignment to post travel authorizations. On an as-needed basis, prepare travel authorizations for overseas field staff. Process amendments to travel authorizations as needed;
- Process applications and requests for renewals of Diplomatic and Official passports for OTI program funded staff and facilitate the receipt of required visas and country clearances. Coordinate with the traveler and with the USAID travel agent to provide the traveler with a travel authorization, ticket, travel voucher package, etc.;
- Prepare, review and process travel vouchers for payment for program funded staff. Monitor processing via the Agency travel system to ensure timely payment by the Office of Financial Management (M/FM). Intervene when necessary to assist travelers in the resolution of problems arising in connection with their travel vouchers. Conduct periodic reviews of travel-related obligations and disbursements to identify funds for de-obligation;
- Support OTI program staff on the preparation of documentation in support of international travel requests for country clearances, cable notifications of assignment to post for field staff, etc.;
- Provide support on regulations and policies relating to the transportation and storage of personal effects (household effects, personal vehicle, air freight) to and from overseas posts on assignment/repatriation orders. Assist employees with the resolution of problems relating to the transportation and storage of effects;
- Assist with staff notifications on changes in policy and procedures and issue periodic reminders on key aspects of travel planning and execution, including regular updates to OTI Travel Office Order OTI Office to reflect changes in OTI office, Agency, Federal, and State Department policies and procedures;
- Provide administrative or other support for other OTI operations and/or program functions as required;
- Provide travel fund management in areas such as reconciliations, upward adjustments, deobligations, reporting/management, accruals, assisting with year -end close outs, forwarding funding travel actions, processing Personal Service Contractor expense vouchers and/or travel comp time calculations, etc.;
- Participate on Agency panels or working groups to develop, improve, or train on new travel systems;
- Establish and maintain the official electronic travel files, including travel authorizations and vouchers. Monitor file holdings to ensure timely disposition of files in accordance with Agency records management guidelines;
- Maintain accurate records of the current status of diplomatic passports, visas, inoculations and medical evacuation policies to ensure that all travelers have the appropriate documents and current medical evacuation coverage when traveling;
- Establish and maintain effective and productive working relationships with administrative and financial personnel in USAID Missions, M/FM, regional financial management service centers, USAID Travel Office (M/AS/TT) and the Agency’s Travel Agent to facilitate the timely processing of requests and resolution of problems encountered;
- After an initial learning period, provide orientation, training, and mentoring for incoming staff on matters related to travel and as delegated; communicate with supervisor to recognize good performance and communicate where performance needs to be improved;
- After an initial learning period, provide advice and guidance to OTI personnel on all aspects of the travel program. Coordinate with the agency’s central travel office as needed to obtain clarifications of policy as it pertains to OTI travelers. With the assistance of the supervisor, serve as a POC for the Agency’s travel office on matters pertaining to the implementation of the travel system, as requested. Assist with the maintenance of a library of resource documents of interest to travelers: per diem rates, travel regulations, travel allowances, etc.;
- Collaborate with supervisor to discuss improvements to current travel system, providing ideas for innovation;
- As needed, serve on short-term assignments with other USAID offices or bureaus in direct support of OTI programs. These placements shall not exceed three months;
- Perform all other duties as assigned by supervisor.
At the GS-11 Level:
- Incumbent is expected to be an expert in the travel support field for the Agency, in regards to supporting program-funded personnel, policy and technical guidance as it pertains to domestic and international travel for OTI staff;
- Prepare travel authorizations in the Agency travel system for Washington based program-funded staff traveling on temporary duty assignments within the United States and overseas, including processing of travel requests, ensuring that all clearances have been obtained and that required documentation (itineraries, country clearances, and funding) has been prepared. Prepare assignment to post travel authorizations. On an as-needed basis, prepare travel authorizations for overseas field staff. Process amendments to travel authorizations as needed;
- Process applications and requests for renewals of Diplomatic and Official passports for OTI program funded staff and facilitate the receipt of required visas and country clearances. Coordinate with the traveler and with the USAID travel agent to provide the traveler with a travel authorization, ticket, travel voucher package, etc.;
- Prepare, review and process travel vouchers for payment for program funded staff. Monitor processing via the Agency travel system to ensure timely payment by the Office of Financial Management (M/FM). Intervene when necessary to assist travelers in the resolution of problems arising in connection with their travel vouchers. Conduct periodic reviews of travel-related obligations and disbursements to identify funds for de-obligation;
- Advise OTI program staff on the preparation of documentation in support of international travel requests for country clearances, cable notifications of assignment to post for field staff, etc.;
- Serve as the OTI Point of Contact (POC) on regulations and policies relating to the transportation and storage of personal effects (household effects, personal vehicle, air freight) to and from overseas posts on assignment/repatriation orders. Assist employees with the resolution of problems relating to the transportation and storage of effects;
- Notify staff of changes in policy and procedures and issue periodic reminders on key aspects of travel planning and execution, including regular updates to OTI Travel Office Order OTI Office to reflect changes in OTI office, Agency, Federal, and State Department policies and procedures;
- Provide travel fund management in areas such as reconciliations, upward adjustments, deobligations, reporting/management, accruals, assisting with year -end close outs, forwarding funding travel actions, processing Personal Service Contractor expense vouchers and/or travel comp time calculations, etc.;
- Participate on Agency panels or working groups to develop, improve, or train on new travel systems;
- Establish and maintain the official electronic travel files, including travel authorizations and vouchers. Monitor file holdings to ensure timely disposition of files in accordance with Agency records management guidelines;
- Maintain accurate records of the current status of diplomatic passports, visas, inoculations and medical evacuation policies to ensure that all travelers have the appropriate documents and current medical evacuation coverage when traveling;
- Establish and maintain effective and productive working relationships with administrative and financial personnel in USAID Missions, M/FM, regional financial management service centers, USAID Travel Office (M/AS/TT) and the Agency’s Travel Agent to facilitate the timely processing of requests and resolution of problems encountered;
- Provide orientation, training, and mentoring for staff as delegated; communicate with supervisor to recognize good performance and communicate where performance needs to be improved;
- Provide advice and guidance to OTI personnel on all aspects of the USAID travel program coordinating with the Agency’s central travel office as needed to obtain clarifications of policy as it pertains to OTI travelers. Serve as the POC for the Agency’s travel office on matters pertaining to the Agency’s electronic travel systems, as requested. Maintain a library of resource documents of interest to travelers: per diem rates, travel allowances, etc.;
- Provide training for OTI staff on OTI travel procedures, the Agency travel system, and on standard operating procedures for the conduct of travel, and on the automated country clearance system;
- Collaborate with supervisor to discuss improvements to current travel system, providing ideas for innovation with close participation on Agency panels or working groups to develop, improve, or train on new systems;
- As needed, serve on short-term assignments with other USAID offices or bureaus in direct support of OTI programs. These placements shall not exceed three months;
- When required serve as Acting Team Leader for the OTI Travel Team in his/her absence;
- Perform all other duties as assigned by supervisor.
At the GS-12 Level:
- Incumbent is expected to be an expert in the area of Federal and Agency Travel processes and regulations; being able to provide concrete and concise policy and technical guidance as it pertains to domestic and international travel for OTI staff;
- Prepare travel authorizations in the Agency travel system for Washington based program-funded staff traveling on temporary duty assignments within the United States and overseas, including processing of travel requests, ensuring that all clearances have been obtained and that required documentation (itineraries, country clearances, and funding) has been prepared. Prepare assignment to post travel authorizations. On an as-needed basis, prepare travel authorizations for overseas field staff. Process amendments to travel authorizations as needed;
- Ensure that applications and requests for renewals are processed for Diplomatic and Official passports for OTI program funded staff and facilitate the receipt of required visas and country clearances. Coordinate with the traveler and with the USAID travel agent to provide the traveler with a travel authorization, ticket, travel voucher package, etc.;
- Prepare, review and process travel vouchers for payment for program funded staff. Monitor processing via the Agency travel system to ensure timely payment by the Office of Financial Management (M/FM). Intervene when necessary to assist travelers in the resolution of problems arising in connection with their travel vouchers. Conduct periodic reviews of travel-related obligations and disbursements to identify funds for de-obligation;
- Advise OTI program staff on the preparation of documentation in support of international travel requests for country clearances, cable notifications of assignment to post for field staff, etc.);
- Serve as the OTI Point of Contact (POC) on regulations and policies relating to ordered departure and emergency evacuation of program-funded staff posted to USAID Missions and/or U.S. Embassies. Assist employees on ordered departure with questions regarding allowances, departure location and other logistics;
- Provide assistance on regulations and policies relating to the transportation and storage of personal effects (household effects, personal vehicle, air freight) to and from overseas posts on assignment/repatriation orders. Assist employees with the resolution of problems relating to the transportation and storage of effects. Observe and make suggestions on possible improvements to systems already in place;
- Provide travel fund management in areas such as reconciliations, upward adjustments, deobligations, reporting/management, accruals, assisting with year-end close outs, forwarding funding travel actions, processing Personal Service Contractor expense vouchers and/or travel comp time calculations, etc.;
- Incumbent will be asked to facilitate Agency panels or working groups to develop, improve, or train on new systems;
- Establish and maintain the official office files on travel, including travel authorizations and vouchers. Monitor file holdings to ensure timely disposition of files in accordance with Agency records management guidelines;
- Ensure accurate hard copy and electronic records are maintained of the current status of diplomatic passports, visas, inoculations and medical evacuation policies to ensure that all travelers have the appropriate documents and current medical evacuation coverage when traveling;
- Ensure that OTI, Agency, and State Department travel information and systems are shared efficiently and effectively with OTI staff, using OTI systems (e.g. OTI Anywhere) through regular group and one-on-one trainings, ad hoc brown bags, and maintenance of resources documents of interest to travelers;
- Establish and maintain effective and productive working relationships with administrative and financial personnel in USAID Missions, M/FM, regional financial management service centers, USAID Travel Office (M/AS/TT) and the Agency’s Travel Agent to facilitate the timely processing of requests and resolution of problems encountered. Act as the main point of contact between these offices and the OTI Travel Team;
- Work closely with travelers and the Agency’s designated TMC to ensure that routings and ticketing is within Agency policy and is advantageous to the Government. Provide monthly reporting to Travel Team Lead to ensure that OTI travel is performed at a continued cost savings;
- Provide ongoing mentoring and training for other OTI staff that help manage travel actions for their teams (e.g. Administrative Program Assistants, Program Assistants, Program Managers, and others);
- Provide advice and guidance to OTI personnel on all aspects of the USAID travel program coordinating with the Agency’s central travel office as needed to obtain clarifications of policy as it pertains to OTI travelers. Serve as the POC for the Agency’s travel office on matters pertaining to the Agency’s electronic travel systems, as requested. Maintain a library of resource documents of interest to travelers: per diem rates, travel allowances, etc.;
- Provide training for OTI staff on OTI travel procedures, the Agency travel system, and on standard operating procedures for the conduct of travel, and on the automated country clearance system;
- Serve as a travel expert for the Agency regarding travel support for program funded U.S. Personal Service Contract employees, participating on Agency panels and/or working groups to develop, improve, or train on new systems relevant to OTI travel requirements;
- Collaborate with supervisor to discuss improvements to current travel system, providing ideas for innovation with close participation on Agency panels or working groups to develop, improve, or train on new systems;
- As needed, serve on short-term assignments with other USAID offices or bureaus in direct support of OTI programs. These placements shall not exceed three months;
- When required serve as Acting Team Leader for the OTI Travel Team in his/her absence;
- Perform all other duties as assigned.
(Determines basic eligibility for the position. Applicants who do not meet all of the education and experience factors are considered NOT qualified for the position. See detailed instructions for demonstrating Education/Experience under "Applying." Applicants may satisfy the minimum qualifications through workexperience supporting travel operations for a U.S. Government agency or through the combination of education and position-specific work experience.)
At the GS-9 level:
(1) Five (5) years of work experience supporting travel operations for a U.S. Government agency.
(2) Bachelor’s degree with two (2) years of work experience;
Associate’s degree with three (3) years of work experience;
(3) Two (2) years of experience providing administrative, finance, or personnel support for an organization with domestic and overseas staff;
(4) One (1) year of experience supporting travel operations for a U.S. Government agency;
(5) Demonstrated experience with data entry and database management.
At the GS-11 level:
(1) Six (6) years of work experience supporting travel operations for a U.S. Government agency.
(2) Bachelor’s degree with three (3) years of work experience;
Associate’s degree with four (4) years of work experience;
(3) Three (3) years of experience providing administrative, finance, or personnel support for an organization with domestic and overseas staff;
(4) Two (2) years of experience supporting travel operations for a U.S. Government agency;
(5) One (1) year of data entry and database management experience.
At the GS-12 level:
(1) Eight (8) years of work experience supporting travel operations for a U.S. Government agency.
(2) Bachelor’s degree with five (5) years of work experience;
Associate’s degree with six (6) years of work experience;
(3) Five (5) years of experience providing administrative, finance, or personnel support for an organization with domestic and overseas staff;
(4) Four (4) years of experience supporting travel operations for a U.S. Government agency;
(5) Three (3) years of data entry and database management experience.
How to apply:
For full information about this position, as well as instructions on how to apply, please read the entire solicitation at