United States of America: Alive & Thrive/Nigeria Program Director

FHI 360 is a nonprofit human development organization dedicated to improving lives in lasting ways by advancing integrated, locally driven solutions. Our staff includes experts in health, education, nutrition, environment, economic development, civil society, gender, youth, research and technology — creating a unique mix of capabilities to address today’s interrelated development challenges. FHI 360 serves more than 70 countries and all U.S. states and territories. We are currently seeking qualified candidates for the position of: Alive & Thrive/Nigeria Program Director


Alive & Thrive (A&T) is an initiative to save lives, prevent illness, and ensure healthy growth and development. Good nutrition in the first 1,000 days, from conception to two years of age, is critical to enable all children to lead healthier and more productive lives. Alive & Thrive is scaling up improved infant and young child feeding and maternal nutrition through large-scale programs in several countries in Asia and Africa and through strategic technical support and the dissemination of innovations, tools, and lessons worldwide. Alive & Thrive is funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the governments of Canada and Ireland. The initiative is managed by FHI 360.

A&T/Nigeria Program Summary (2015-2019)

The Nigeria A&T IYCF social and behavior change program (2015-2019) focuses on improving rates of early initiation of breastfeeding, exclusive breastfeeding, timely introduction of complementary feeding, and minimum dietary diversity for infants over 6 months old. A&T will work across the public, commercial/private, and NGO sectors to improve IYCF through A&T’s four components: advocacy, interpersonal communication and community mobilization, mass communication, strategic use of data. At the national level, A&T will predominantly work with its public, private/commercial, and NGO sector partners (Scaling Up Nutrition and other national IYCF initiatives) to improve the implementation, monitoring, and enforcement of key IYCF policies (Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes; maternity leave; work place support; breastfeeding-friendly health care and delivery facilities). A&T will also work in two states—Lagos (metropolitan) and Kaduna (urban and rural)—to apply the four components to reach households, communities, and facilities with targeted, age-appropriate social and behavior change communication (SBCC) messaging on IYCF practices.

  • Specifically in metropolitan Lagos, the Nigeria program (as an example only) might work with the State Primary Health Care Board, proprietary and patent medicine vendors, licensed traditional birth attendants, major public and private maternity centers, social franchise-oriented private organizations, faith- and community-based organizations, and related on-going USAID (SPRING) and UNICEF projects to improve advocacy; interpersonal behavior change communication (counseling), and mobilization efforts to reach pregnant women and new mothers; and use mass communication (through broadcast, Nollywood, mobile phone, and signage) to further extend the reach of IYCF messages, provide follow-up counseling, and improve the social norm around IYCF practices.

  • In rural and urban Kaduna, the Nigeria program (as an example only) might work with the State Ministry of Health, the Federation of Muslim Women Associations of Nigeria, the Market Women Association, and related health initiatives by USAID (SPRING), Clinton Health Access Initiative, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Primary Health Care initiative to improve advocacy, interpersonal behavior change communication and mobilization; and use mass communication (through broadcast, Kallywood, and mobile phones) to improve the social norm for IYCF among stakeholders and health care providers.

At both the national level and in the two states, while the emphasis will be to build the capacity of the public sector to improve IYCF practices, the involvement and resources from the private and commercial sectors will be pursued to advance IYCF policies, expand the promotion of positive social norms, and extend timed and age-appropriate behavior change messaging through private and commercial facilities to households and communities. Formative research will be conducted to further understand target populations and audiences (stakeholders, providers, beneficiaries), and monitoring systems will be established to ensure that program inputs, outputs, and outcomes are tracked and fed back into improving the program.

Job Summary / Responsibilities:

The Alive & Thrive/Nigeria Program Director is based at A&T HQ in Washington, DC. In close collaboration with A&T HQ technical and operations staff and the FHI 360/Nigeria country office, the position will oversee the initial technical, program, and operational set-up of A&T’s presence in Nigeria. Subsequently, the position in collaboration with A&T staff, A&T/Nigeria country director and team, and partner technical/program specialists will provide technical leadership in the design, development, implementation, monitoring, deliverables (outputs), and impact (outcomes) of the overall program. This position will communicate, connect, and coordinate with A&T technical staff, FHI 360/Nigeria staff, subcontractors, partners, government, NGO, and private/commercial stakeholders, and international donors to ensure successful design and implementation of the large and complex portfolio of activities expected in Nigeria. This position will also provide highest level strategic program and technical leadership and quality assurance in Nigeria to ensure components meet project goals and objectives.

  • Provide technical input, leadership, and coordination for the design and implementation of all program components, particularly but not solely community-based elements (social and behavior change communications, capacity building, advocacy, monitoring and learning) at the national level, in metropolitan Lagos, and in rural and urban Kaduna state.

  • Provide leadership to and oversight of the application of A&T’s approaches, messages, materials, and tools to capacity building under the context of the Nigeria National Strategic Plan of Action for Nutrition (2014-2019) and state mandates, and across public, private/commercial and NGO sectors

  • Provide direct-line supervision of the A&T/Nigeria Country Director position

  • Work closely with the A&T/Nigeria team to provide input into strengthening public and private/commercial sector capacity building, coverage, delivery, and monitoring of related IYCF projects

  • Provide input to the A&T/Nigeria Country Director in developing and implementing overarching advocacy, IPC and community mobilization, mass communication and strategic use of data frameworks to ensure A&T capacity building efforts (especially SBCC) in the public health sector and other sectors at the national and regional level are efficiently and effectively put into action

  • Help develop annual work plans and project reports, and ensure timely reporting and responses for information to HQ

  • Actively participate in, contribute to, and in some cases conduct or help facilitate major program development and implementation activities (strategic planning, program presentations, advocacy and policy meetings, workshops), as appropriate

  • Work closely with A&T/Nigeria Country Director to leverage other international donor and private sector resources to complement and extend project reach and resources

  • Oversee and coordinate the development and implementation of A&T supported formative research and operations research on IYCF SBCC implementation and program work

  • Oversee and coordinate the development of a monitoring system to track progress and obtain data to refine interventions

  • Provide guidance and coordination to document and present formative, monitoring, and evaluation results to key Nigerian and international stakeholders, and facilitate use of the results to improve programs

  • Serve as a technical expert for at least one of the four A&T program components and in the context of SBCC approaches

  • Other tasks as assigned


  • Master’s degree in one of the following or related fields: Public, International Health; Human Nutrition; Behavior Change Communications, Behavioral Science. PhD strongly preferred

  • 8-11 years of relevant experience required with at least 5 years in a senior technical leadership role providing technical input to a large scale SBCC-oriented nutrition or public health project involving advocacy, interpersonal communication and mobilization, mass communication, and strategic use of data across public, private/commercial, and NGO sectors

  • Extensive knowledge of infant and young child feeding

  • Recent senior technical and program work experience in an African setting, preferably Nigeria (3-5 years in the last 10 years)

  • Extensive field and HQ experience in designing, implementing, monitoring and reporting on capacity building in more than one component (advocacy, training, BCC, public/private sector) of a public health SBCC nutrition program

  • Oversight and/or design or program and/or operations research of community activities

  • Familiarity with nutrition indicators especially IYCF data collection, analysis, and reporting

This job description summarizes the main duties of the job. It neither prescribes nor restricts the exact tasks that may be assigned to carry out these duties. This document should not be construed in any way to represent a contract of employment. Management reserves the right to review and revise this document at any time.

We offer competitive compensation and an outstanding benefit package. Please click here to visit FHI 360’s Career Center for a list of all open positions.

FHI 360 is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. FHI 360 is committed to providing equal employment opportunity without regard to race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, age, disability or status as a veteran with respect to policies, programs, or activities.

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