Gender-based Violence and Protection Technical Advisor - 2015

POSITION TITLE:Gender-based Violence and Protection Technical Advisor

HQ DEPARTMENT:International Programs

RESPONSIBLE TO:Senior Program Quality and Development Manager

STATUS:Full Time

SUPERVISORY CAPACITY:Consultants, interns and volunteers

DATE: March 2015



The International Programs department is committed to helping communities that have been uprooted by conflict or natural disasters to take control of their futures and rebuild and maintain healthy, prosperous lives. ARC takes an integrated approach that emerges from within communities themselves, promoting leadership, participation, and partnership at the local level. ARC conducts programs in Health (with recognized strengths in reproductive health and gender-based violence), Protection, Livelihoods, Water/Sanitation, Shelter, Camp Management, Capacity Building and Emergency Response, among others.

The International Programs Department helps to ensure that all ARC programs are meeting minimum standards and supports quality control efforts at the design, implementation, and evaluation stages of all ARC programmatic initiatives.


The GBV and Protection Technical Advisor (GBV TA) provides technical, programmatic leadership and guidance to ARC’s programs and initiatives for protection of displaced persons who are at particular risk of violence or abuse, including children and women subject to gender-based violence (GBV). Specifically, the GBV TA is the key technical focal point for all ARC GBV Prevention and Response projects. The GBV TA works closely with all members of ARC’s Technical, Program Development, and Program Management units to provide appropriate and timely technical guidance to multiple country programs including emergency response, new initiatives, new business development, proposal design and development, reviewing reports and developing strategies to mainstream gender and protection. The GBV TA will also work to expand protection programming by mainstreaming protection throughout all sectors and to look at opportunities to include child protection activities. Additionally, a key function of this position is to work strategically with ARC’s Government Affairs and Advocacy priorities to address GBV/Protection issues globally. This position will be based at Headquarters in Minneapolis, MN, with potential for placement in Nairobi, Kenya or Kampala, Uganda after 3-6 months at HQ.



Technical Support and Leadership (50%)

  • Lead efforts, in conjunction with all technical teams, to provide guidance and technical support to field programs (both on-site and remote assistance) that will result in development and implementation of high-quality GBV/Protection programs that make a measurable impact. Provide tools to support integration of ARC’s global approach, focused on local partnerships and community leadership, into all programs.

  • Monitor international best practices in GBV/Protection, represent ARC at relevant fora, and serve as a thought leader within and outside of ARC on innovative community-based approaches aimed at increasing protection of vulnerable members of displaced communities, including survivors of GBV, and primary prevention of violence against women and girls (VAWG).

  • Develop strong supportive relationships and mentorship systems (as appropriate) and provide regular program and technical advice, information, support, and assistance to international and national staff and programs, including to other HQ-based technical assistance team members.

  • Lead and support the development of GBV/ Protection related proposals including developing assessment tools, program design, hiring staff, planning, monitoring, and evaluating field programs.

  • Monitor ARC’s relevant field programs through regular telephone/Skype contacts, report reviews, email communications, and other methods to ensure that they adhere to best practices and guidelines.

  • Work with other members of the technical assistance teams to define and strengthen the strategic direction of ARC’s GBV/Protection programs.

  • In collaboration with the field, program development and technical teams, draft global and/or multi-country concept notes and proposals.

  • Ensure that ARC field programs have appropriate, relevant, and up-to-date materials, tools, resources, and templates for documenting and monitoring field activities.

  • Increase and enhance program monitoring and evaluation, and determining impact, wherever possible, including the use of standard indicators.

Donor Relations/Program Development/Advocacy (30%)

  • Develop and maintain relationships with key institutional donors and potential partners, including the UN agencies, USAID, State Department, and NGO representatives, specifically focusing on Protection/GBV issues, among others. Cultivate new potential donors and support field staff in developing their donor outreach capacity.

  • Expand ARC’s recognition among donors by finding opportunities to raise awareness of ARC’s work.

  • Help respond to donor inquiries, facilitate donor contacts, and provide HQ and the field with timely and relevant donor information related to ARC’s Protection programs.

  • Share any donor-related information regarding program development opportunities and recommend areas for ARC interventions.

  • Help collect and develop appropriate ARC GBV/Protection-related program/activity information, advocacy backgrounders, and reports for donors, Congress, and the public.

  • Participate and actively lead ARC’s engagement in relevant working groups, advocacy initiatives, task forces, coordination activities, and committees convened by InterAction, the Inter-Agency Standing Committee, UN bodies, US government, coalitions, and others concerning GBV (e.g. country-specific groups and those working to strengthen action related to SEA, Protection, GBV, and GBV Coordination).

  • Attend other relevant meetings, representing ARC’s programs, and giving presentations about ARC’s work.

Program Coordination (20%)

  • Provide program leadership, support and supervision for multi-country projects related to GBV/Protection, as required by grant obligations.

  • Liaise with donors and ensure reporting requirements are met.

  • Write periodic reports and/or updates for donors, internal and external use.

  • Ensure global sharing of information and lessons learned among ARC’s GBV/Protection staff.

  • Facilitate communication, coordination and collaboration among and within country programs and between program sectors.

  • Lead efforts to arrange and organize ARC global events, such as workshops and conferences.

  • Help to mainstream Protection into all ARC programs through technical guidance, trainings, and sharing update tools and resources.

  • Manage and mentor GBV & Protection interns, volunteers and consultants as appropriate.


  • Demonstrated 5 – 7 years professional experience in humanitarian settings, including at least 3 years of direct program management of Protection/GBV programs in the field. Experience with Protection and GBV programming and implementation is required.

  • Master’s degree in relevant field (public health, social work, development studies, humanitarian affairs, or related social sciences disciplines).

  • Knowledge, skills, and experience in providing/leading direct services to survivors of gender-based violence using a survivor-centered and multi-sectoral approach.

  • Knowledge, skills, and experience in implementing primary prevention of violence against women and girls

  • Research experience preferred

  • Experience managing budgets and finances.

  • Strong skills in Microsoft Office.


  • Individual and group training skills in Protection issues, including GBV and SEA.

  • Ability to take initiative, work independently and foster a team environment.

  • Strong organizational, oral and written communication and coordination skills.

  • Excellent project design and proposal development skills and developing tools for cross-organizational sharing of best practices.

  • Excellent analytical and problem solving skills. Good sense of diplomacy and understanding of international global political issues.

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