United States of America: Consultant - Emergency Response Workshop Facilitator - Oregon

Organization: Mercy Corps

Country: United States of America

Closing date: 18 May 2015

Deadline to Apply : May 15th, 2015


Mercy Corps is working in partnership with the Japan Platform on a three-year "TOMODACHI" non-governmental (NGO) capacity building project. The project includes a number of professional development opportunities that engage Japanese NGO professionals with peers in the US. One of those opportunities has been an annual week-long humanitarian response training. The first year"s (Oct 2013) was hosted by Mercy Corps at our headquarters. The second year (Oct 2014) was in Japan hosted by Japan Platform. This year, we are aiming to bring the workshop back to Portland again. The workshop will be attended by approximately 30 participants, roughly half of whom will be from Japanese NGOs and the other half from Mercy Corps or other regional NGOs. We will also invite about 6 NGO people from Korea, Taiwan and China.

Purpose / Project Description:

The purpose of this position is to provide leadership in developing and delivering the workshop described above.

Consultant Activities:

The Consultant will:

1 Design course agenda/syllabus – works in consultation with Strategic Response and Global Emergencies (SRGE) and MC Japan to design a 5-day training agenda, including a capstone simulation within project budget; 2 Identify qualified trainers – work with SRGE/Technical Support Units (TSU) to identify key trainers to support the agenda; 3 Communicate with trainers on the development of their modules; 4 Insure integration of sessions into coherent whole – including the simulation; 5 Design and lead the simulation; 6 Serve as lead trainer on sessions as needed/appropriate; 7 Ensure use of adult learning approach – engaging participants and ensuring that the pace and level of delivery reflect the special needs of participants speaking English as a second language; 8 Identify training materials needed and work with Angela to ensure that they are ordered on time; 9 Identify pre-reading and/or on-line course requirements well in advance; 10 Work with trainers to prepare condensed modules that participants can take with them for dissemination to their teammates; 11 Liaise with Global Partnerships and Alliances Team (GPAT) and Japan Platform – who will lead on workshop logistics 12 Design and implement a thorough participant evaluation, with analysis and final report; 13 Serve as key host and facilitator throughout the workshop.

Consultant Deliverables:

The Consultant will:

1 A finalized training agenda/syllabus with trainers identified 2 Literature review for class set purchase 3 Pre-working communication with online coursework 4 A week-long workshop 5 A set of modules for participants to use in disseminating trainings at home 6 A final report and evaluation on the event

Timeframe / Schedule:

The position will begin on May 18th, 2015 or the date of signature of the agreement and will be completed by one month after the workshop – which will be in the fall of 2015. The workshop will be at Mercy Corps headquarters in Portland Oregon. The advisor will be paid for up to 15 days of preparation and wrap up time and five days for the workshop, for a maximum total of 20 days.

The Consultant will report to:

Director of Partnership Development – East Asia

The Consultant will work closely with:

SRGE, GPAT, Japan Platform

How to apply:

Please follow this link to apply: http://www.aplitrak.com/?adid=c3BoaW5penkuOTY4NzAuMzgzMEBtZXJjeWNvcnBzLmFwbGl0cmFrLmNvbQ

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