Organization: UN Children"s Fund
Country: United States of America
Closing date: 28 Jul 2015
Communication for Development (C4D) is one of the most empowering ways of improving health, nutrition, protection and other key social outcomes for children and their families. In UNICEF, C4D is understood as a systematic, planned and evidence-based strategic process to promote positive and measurable behavior and social change that is an integral part of development programmes and humanitarian actions. C4D works to ensure dialogue and consultation with, and participation of children, their families and communities. It privileges local contexts and relies on a mix of communication tools, channels and approaches. By its cross-cutting nature and definition, C4D collaborates with development and humanitarian programmes on an on-going basis to strengthen the achievement of results for children. To learn more about C4D in UNICEF, visit:
UNICEF’s new Strategic Plan 2014-2017 places an important emphasis on demand side outputs and outcomes of programmes (demand and utilization of social services etc.) and the need to examine behavioral and socio-cultural barriers and bottlenecks that impede the achievement of results. This has placed a huge demand on C4D within the organization, intensifying in turn, the need for technical guidance and support from UNICEF C4D Section within Programme Division at Headquarters. Support and guidance is required in new and going areas of programmatic work (e.g. Health, Child protection, Non-Communicable Diseases), partnerships, information knowledge management (IKM) as well capacity development. In order to meet this burgeoning demand, UNICEF requires the support of a young to middle level consultant who can provide operational support to the UNICEF C4D Section in areas as highlighted below.
The purpose of this consultancy is to provide knowledge management and capacity development support to C4D’s sectoral and cross-sectoral initiatives.
Key Activities and Tasks
Support C4D capacity development initiatives with focus on Emergency Response (Estimated at 50 days):
a) Manage and maintain UNICEF C4D Long term Agreement for Services (LTAS) Mechanism and Helpdesk. This will entail revisions of LTAS and ensuring the mechanism is functioning; coordination and communication with LTAS Holders; technical support to contracting offices; liaison with relevant headquarters and field level C4D; and administration and operations/ supply staff among others
b) Manage and maintain updated web rosters as well as specialized lists of external, vetted C4D consultants and specialists for development and humanitarian contexts. Set up new mechanisms and lists as necessary and relevant
c) Collate, analyse and disseminate statistics and data on UNICEF C4D human resources
d) Coordinate and follow up on the collaborations, partnerships and technical contracts for development of C4D training courses, materials and tools
e) Review and create as necessary a repository of generic Terms of Reference and Job Descriptions
f) Coordinate with the Human Resources teams to provide support for recruitment during emergencies or in special situations, including development and distribution of terms of reference, conducting reference checks, building a sub-roster of available C4D specialists; and provide regular updates to key stakeholders
g) Working with the Web Focal Point, ensure up-to-date content in capacity development related sites (training, national capacity development, rosters, LTAS on ICON micro-site; trainers toolbox etc.)
Provide support on C4D leadership around Communication and Advocacy to Prevent Non-Communicable Diseases(Estimated at 20 days):
a) Support liaison with NCD Child and follow up with UN Interagency Task Force on NCDs to secure endorsement for the Facts for Healthy Living Communication tool and inputs on Literature Review.
b) Support supervision of process to develop camera ready version of documents inclusive of photographs and front cover with children’s artwork.
c) Support preparations for the launch of the NCD Chapter including liaison with Mexico and Philippines Permanent missions in NY, arrangement of guest speakers, Support for social media promotion, dispatch of invitations, preparation of Fact sheet and Advocacy kits and media liaison.
d) Support development and roll out of adolescent and youth engagement strategy in partnership with NCD Child, DOC and relevant programme sections.
e) Support coordination of internal meetings and exchanges to facilitate development and finalization of Concept Note on UNICEF’s support to NCDs.
f) Support amendment of Programme Cooperation Agreement with NCD Child to accommodate new priorities and activities as agreed by the internal NCD reference group.
g) Provide support to other related follow up tasks as may be agreed by the NCD Reference group.
Provide Information Knowledge Management (IKM) Support for the Section(Estimated at 30 days)
a) Support liaison and follow up with countries to prepare C4D Case Studies in collaboration with CI
b) Update C4D global, regional and country mailing/ contact lists
c) Provide operational planning and coordination support for C4D Global Network Meeting
Any other business in relation to the C4D Section’s workplan (estimated at 10 days):
Deliverables and deadlines
The consultant will submit a monthly report noting the progress on the following deliverables and specifying the number of days worked.
Duty Station
The consultant will need to work from UNICEF NYHQS office on most days; however, some assignments can be managed from home. NY based consultants will be preferred.
TimeframeEstimated at no more than 110 working days
Start date:20 July 2015 End date:31 January 2016
Key competences, technical background, and experience required
· Advanced university degree in social sciences and/or strategic media and communication/ C4D
· Minimum 4-5 years of progressively responsible professional Mid-level work experience at the national and international levels with focus on communication/C4D and/or communication related training and knowledge management
· Knowledge and experience of UNICEF programmes of cooperation and the human rights-based approach to programming. Prior experience working with UN/UNICEF will be an asset
· Strong analytical skills and ability to work with and as a part of teams
· Strong writing skills in English language
*Please see deliverables in attached chart.
How to apply:
How to Apply
Applicants are requested to send their submissions to <**>with subject line: **“Support UNICEF C4D Knowledge Management and Capacity Development, Consultancy”by 28 July 2015, 5:00pm EST.
Applications must include:
· Cover letter,
· CV, and
· Indicate where you heard about this advertisement
Please indicate your ability, availability and daily/monthly rate (in US$) to undertake the terms of reference above. Applications submitted without a daily/monthly rate will not be considered.
NOTE: Files should not exceed 5.0MB limit
UNICEF is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.