Infant Cognitive Development Trainer for
Matuzo Bora Ya Watoto Wachanga
Heartland Alliance International (HAI) is the youngest and fastest growing part of Heartland Alliance for Human Needs & Human Rights, a family of organizations that has been leading anti-poverty and social justice work in Chicago for more than 125 years. HAI is comprised of nearly a dozen country offices implementing programs on a broad range of human rights issues globally, as well as the Chicago-based Marjorie Kovler Center for the Treatment of Survivors of Torture, which serves individuals from more than 50 countries. HAI has significant expertise in the fields of trauma-informed mental health care and access to justice for survivors of rights abuses. It is also an industry leader in access to high-quality and stigma-free health care. Across all of its programs, HAI promotes progressive, innovative approaches to human rights protections and gender equality.
In the Matuzo Bora Ya Watoto Wachanga project in South Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), HAI seeks to test the efficacy of a mental health intervention for mothers who are victims of sexual violence on improved cognitive development of their infants. The intervention is being delivered by trained paraprofessionals using a delivery system that can be duplicated in similar low-resource environments. This project builds on past work on depression to identify the effects of maternal sexual trauma on infants, and possible mitigating interventions focusing on depression and traumatic stress. The project will attempt to determine whether a cognitive-behavioral intervention for victims of sexual violence has a significant and positive independent effect on brain development in infants. Infant cognitive development will be assessed using a version of the Mullen Scales of Early Learning (MSEL) that has been adapted by HAI for use in the DRC.
This assignment will train HAI psychologists in South Kivu, DRC to correctly administer the MSEL and accurately report results to produce quality data for analysis of effectiveness of the intervention.
· Study and master the administration and scoring of the culturally adapted MSEL;
· Prepare training for project staff based in South Kivu, DRC, on the administration and scoring of the MSEL, including classroom sessions as well as hands-on demonstrations and practice sessions with infants aged seven to nine months;
· Provide in-person training to project staff, including psychologists and the Project Manager, in South Kivu, DRC;
· Oversee project staff during the first week of data collection using the MSEL, including providing coaching and feedback;
· Ensure that the MSEL outcomes are being properly recorded and reported;
· Perform spot-checks of both quality of MSEL administration and reporting and recording.
Clinical expertise in infant development including cognitive development, preferably in low-resource environments. A background in intergenerational stress and training of lay counselors is a plus. Experience working with vulnerable populations affected by violence, trauma, and mental illness. A PhD in clinical psychology, human development, counseling or social work or Master’s degree in psychology or social work with relevant clinical and research experience is required.
Overseeing the research components of projects, providing expertise on the measurement of cognitive development outcomes in newborns resulting from mental health inventions with mothers suffering from depression and anxiety. Training and teaching in low-resource environments. Ability to work in French is a plus.
The short-term consultant will deliver the following:
· Demonstration – as ascertained by HAI Technical Adviser – of competent use and understanding of the MSEL and associated reporting;
· Finalized training plan for project staff;
· Completed training with DRC staff to the satisfaction of the Country Director and Project Manager;
· Completed oversight of the administration of the MSEL and the associated reporting to the satisfaction of the Country Director and Project Manager;
· Brief report, no more than ten pages, outlining the training results, administration, and any other relevant information, delivered no more than 15 days after completion of the training, to the satisfaction of the Country Director and Regional Director.
The assignment is expected to take 7-9 weeks over the period of 2 months, starting in late-June.
Late-June: Master the administration of the culturally adapted MSEL for testing infant cognitive development.
Late-June to early-July: Finalize training design.
Mid- to late-July: Train staff in DRC to administer and score the MSEL.
August: Oversee the first week of data collection by project staff using the MSEL.
· The Consultant will report directly to HAI’s sub-Saharan Africa Regional Director who will supervise the assignment.
· All reports are to be written in English. The Consultant will provide an electronic version of all the required deliverables. The reporting will be completed in form and substance acceptable to HAI.
All data and information received from Heartland Alliance International for the purpose of this assignment are to be treated confidentially and are only to be used in connection with the execution of these Terms of Reference. All intellectual property rights arising from the execution of these Terms of Reference are assigned to Heartland Alliance International. The contents of written materials obtained and used in this assignment may not be disclosed to any third parties without the expressed advance written authorization of Heartland Alliance International.