United States of America: Research Tender

Assessing Provision and Equity in Low- and Middle-Income Country Health Markets
Metrics for Management and Population Services International
Metrics for Management (M4M) and Population Services International (PSI) are seeking a qualified
researcher to carry out a study to assess the wealth profile of clients in public, private for profit, and not-
for-profit healthcare facilities. The study will be conducted in a low- or middle-income country with
strong presence of social franchises (see 2015 Social Franchising Compendium to view distribution) and
a Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) conducted in 2011or later. The purpose of the study is to assess
the wealth of populations receiving various types of care in a range of facility types, using the approach
outlined in the PSI Equity Wealth Quintile Guide. Please also reference the Equity Measurement Toolkit.
The researcher is expected to undertake a literature review on country-specific health seeking behavior by
wealth and to conduct a relevant analysis of DHS data on the same topic. Results of these findings should
be prepared in a report and shared with the funders prior to completion of primary data collection outlined
The core study is to consist of application of the EquityTool at social franchise clinics along with a
representative sample of public, private for profit, and not-for-profit institutions. Results of the study are
to be submitted to a peer-reviewed journal.
Researchers responding to this Request for Proposals (RFP) should have experience conducting high-
quality quantitative research, as well as submitting international IRBs and working with an in-country
data collection team. The researcher should have the experience and capacity to implement activities in a
low- or middle-income country, and an established publication track record. The proposed timeframe for
the work is from December 2015 through September 2016. Researchers should submit proposals
including detailed budgets, as described below.
The researcher will be expected to undertake four key activities:

  1. Conduct a literature review on patient wealth by facility and service type in LMICs, with
    emphasis on the country of work. Summarize results and produce an annotated bibliography.

  2. Analyze most recent national DHS results to determine patient wealth mix by facility type (level)
    and ownership (public/private/FBO/NGO/informal, etc.). Additional strata include urban/rural or
    geographic location, as well as type of service, as deemed appropriate.
    a. Analysis should be completed for countries with a social franchise (identified through the
    2015 Social Franchising Compendium) and a DHS completed in 2011 or later.
    b. Compare this analysis to data provided by social franchises.

  3. Conduct exit interviews in one country having at least one active social franchise and a recent
    DHS survey. Surveys should apply the asset-based EquityTool at different facility types to
    determine client wealth by facility type. Information about the EquityTool can be found at

  4. Analysis to include comparisons of wealth levels between facility types, locations, health needs,
    and nationally representative DHS results.
    The researcher should propose a study country in which PSI social franchises are represented and in
    which the researcher or her/his collaborators has a relationship with a data collection organization.
    Preference will be given to researchers who also have established relationships with public, private for
    profit, and not-for-profit institutions. The researcher should propose and justify the sample size for both
    number of each facility type, and number of exit-interviews to be conducted at each site.
    Researcher Role and Responsibilities:
    The researcher is expected to design and carry out the data collection and analysis together with
    collaborators as appropriate. The researcher should propose other related work beyond the core activities
    listed above which could enhance or expand the work. These might include surveys of catchment
    populations around facilities, additional survey questions addressing demographic or health issues, or
    other related topics as well. The researcher and/or her/his partners is expected to pretest study instruments
    as needed, submit appropriate IRB approval, and recruit and train interviewers. M4M and PSI will
    approve the proposed study design and sample selection procedure.
    The researcher will be responsible for the following: obtaining government and other necessary local
    approvals for the data collection activities; translation of instruments, if additional translations are needed;
    hiring and training data collection teams; managing and overseeing the data collection team on a day-to-
    day basis; data entry; data analysis and write-up; and for ensuring adherence to study protocols, ethical
    guidelines, and data quality procedures.
    Application Process:
    Please submit an application of no more than five pages (single spaced, Times New Roman 11 point font,
    1-inch margins) that addresses the following:

  5. Capacity statement for carrying out data collection activities in the researcher-proposed
    country (half page maximum).

  6. Approach to carrying out the activities outlined above, including:
    a. Strategy for hiring and training data collectors.
    b. Data quality assurance mechanisms.
    c. Data management structure and plan.
    d. Additional aspects of research work proposed, if any

  7. An organizational chart for staffing the project, including supervisory relationships.
    a. Brief job descriptions should be included for each key position.
    b. Where already identified, brief description of qualifications of key personnel.

  8. Detailed budget for all costs of carrying out this study within the proposed 10-month
    timeframe. Maximum budget for the project is $72,000, including up to 10% for indirect
    costs, but cost competitiveness will be considered in the evaluation.

  9. Contact information for two references.
    Please also provide the following supporting documentation:
    • A sample project operations manual used in the past (redacted versions to protect confidentiality
    are acceptable).
    • List of reports or papers produced using data collected through previous projects, especially work
    completed in a LMIC.
    Proposal Submission:
    • All proposals are due, via email, by December 1, 2015 to Metrics for Management’s Chief
    Operating Officer, Andrea Sprockett (andrea@m4mgmt.org).
    • Any questions regarding this proposal should be submitted to Andrea Sprockett by November 18,
    2015, which will then be answered by November 25, 2015.
    • Once proposals are submitted, the researcher may be contacted for further questions. A detailed
    scope of work will be drawn up in consultation with the selected candidate.
    Proposal Evaluation:
    Proposals will be evaluated based on a range of criteria including, but not limited to, the following:
    • Robustness of proposal.
    • Demonstration that similar work has been undertaken by the principal investigator (PI) and/or
    team of researchers in the past.
    • Strength of existing relationships with public, private for profit, and not-for-profit institutions in
    the proposed research country.
    • Publications on similar topics and otherwise.
    • Budget justification and mechanisms to complete the project within 10-month timeframe.

Job Requirements

The researcher is expected to design and carry out the data collection and analysis together with
collaborators as appropriate. The researcher should propose other related work beyond the core activities
listed above which could enhance or expand the work. These might include surveys of catchment
populations around facilities, additional survey questions addressing demographic or health issues, or
other related topics as well. The researcher and/or her/his partners is expected to pretest study instruments
as needed, submit appropriate IRB approval, and recruit and train interviewers. M4M and PSI will
approve the proposed study design and sample selection procedure.
The researcher will be responsible for the following: obtaining government and other necessary local
approvals for the data collection activities; translation of instruments, if additional translations are needed;
hiring and training data collection teams; managing and overseeing the data collection team on a day-to-
day basis; data entry; data analysis and write-up; and for ensuring adherence to study protocols, ethical
guidelines, and data quality procedures.

Apply Here


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