Working under the overall supervision of the Deputy Permanent Observer at the Office of the IOM Permanent Observer to the United Nations, the direct supervision of the Programme Coordinator, and in close coordination and consultation with the Programme Manager of the UNAOC, the successful candidate will provide routine and substantive support to the organization of the Plural+ project. The internship will be from mid-May through mid-November 2016. The intern will have the following duties:
• Assist in all aspects of the organization of Plural+ and its Festival in October 2016;
• Maintain close coordination/consultation with the UNAOC and other key partners in the process of implementation of the project;
• Attend and take notes at meetings and conferences relevant to the project;
• Maintain project-related correspondence and progress, technical reports and other documents. Assist in drafting information materials and formal correspondence and assist in dissemination to relevant counterparts;
• Attend meetings at the United Nations on relevant topics for PLURAL+ and IOM and write reports on those meetings; • Assist in maintaining the PLURAL+ website;
• Assist in maintaining the PLURAL+ social media platforms – Twitter, Facebook, Instagram;
• Assist in maintaining the PLURAL+ email account;
• Organize the pre-selection screenings of the 2016 video submissions;
• Maintain close coordination between PLURAL+ festival winners and IOM, UNAOC and partners;
• Maintain close coordination with international jury on selection of 2016 PLURAL+ Festival winning videos;
• Organize PLURAL+ festival winners itinerary while in New York for PLURAL+ 2016 Festival; • Other duties may be assigned.
Desired experience:
• Social Media Management – including experience designing and implementing social media campaigns; experience developing social media strategies to engage and expand networks; and strong working knowledge of youth social media trends.
• Event Planning, which includes programme design, venue coordination, liaison with participants, etc.
• Proven interest in youth media engagement through previous experience
Desired skills:
• Practical knowledge of Adobe design programmes
• Experience in video editing (iMovie, Final Cut, etc)
• Detail-oriented
• Excellent English writing skills
• Ability to brainstorm creative ideas
• Ability to multitask
• Ability to work independently
• Ability to anticipate and adapt to challenges and changes
•Experience in setting a schedule of work and impeccable ability to adhere to deadlines, both immediate and long-term