United States of America: Regional Refugee Representative

European Refugee Crisis

The flow of refugees and migrants arriving into southern Europe has accelerated during the summer of 2015, with now upwards of 4,000 people arriving per day. Two thirds of that number are arriving onto the shores of Greece, specifically the islands of Lesvos, Kos, Samos, and Chios. The islands are set up to cater for tourists and what little civil society has mobilized to support newly arriving refugees has been far outpaced by the scale of numbers and humanitarian need. IRC deployed an Emergency Response Team to Greece during the first week of July and has subsequently built a network of partner led and directly implemented humanitarian programs within the sectors of WASH and Protection. As the crisis surges during the final summer months and fears of continued arrivals span into the winter months, the IRC is increasing the scale and scope of our humanitarian response to the southern Europe refugee crisis.


The Regional Refugee Representative (RRR) will oversee IRC’s engagement and programming in and around Greece in response to the ongoing refugee crisis. The RRR will report to the Director of the IRC’s Emergency Preparedness and Response Unit (EPRU) in New York.

Position Overview

  • Provide strategic direction to the IRC’s response to refugees and migrants arriving into Europe, driving forward humanitarian programming, targeted advocacy and proactive communications outreach.

  • Establish and foster a network of local civil society and municipal government partners, wherever possible empowering those entities to take the lead in humanitarian service delivery. Position the IRC as the partner of choice amongst civil society, government organizations.

  • Oversee the implementation of humanitarian programs in and around Greece, ensuring impact and accountability of actions and expenditure.

  • Design and drive forward an aggressive fund raising plan to support proportionally scaled response programing. Act as primary contact person to governmental and private donors.

  • Contribute substantially to IRC’s Policy and Communications strategy for the European Refugee Crisis. Act as IRC’s field based focal person for all communications and media opportunities.

Specific Responsibilities

Strategic Planning and Management

  • Working closely with the Director of the EPRU to develop and lead strategic direction, explore new opportunities and plans, and ensure alignment with all IRC projects implemented in response to the European Refugee Crisis.

  • Over program implementation to ensure the quality of projects according to IRC policies, donor specifications, utilizing internal and consistent assessments, context analysis and available learning and evidence.

  • Promote a team approach and positive learning environment utilizing headquarters, country programs and operations staff and partners to consistently enhance the quality of design and implementation

Key Partner & Donor Relations

  • Ensure IRC remains a partner of choice for major local and international donors

  • Develop and maintain a high level of understanding of donor priorities, country response plans and planned funding initiatives

  • Maintain and expand participation with key donors, host government, local stakeholders and relevant policy and coordinating bodies.

  • Fundraising and Budget Management

  • Provide timely and effective oversight of the financial position of the country programs including identification and implementation of required changes to match funding levels.

  • Ensure submission of appropriate, timely high quality proposals and lead donor negotiations as required.

  • Maintain effective and coordinated budget monitoring processes for grant funds and discretionary funds. These include regular and consistent monitoring of donor resources and fiscal regulations in accordance with IRC’s global standards, auditing and fiscal processes.

  • Promote coordination and teamwork between program and operations staff to improve quality of budget design, program implementation and service delivery.

Security & Operations Management

  • In coordination with the Global Safety and Security Team ensure that security management plans are in place and up to date for each country team and ensure the consistent monitoring and analysis of the security environment and adherence by all staff to the IRC security protocols and procedures.

  • Working with each country’s team leader and operations team ensure the development, implementation and monitoring of financial and operational policy and procedures to ensure constant compliance with IRC and donor policies across the program.

Human Resource Management and Workforce Planning

  • Sustain a positive work environment for all staff supported by a professional level human resource and talent management function.

  • Support and hold management staff accountable for providing staff development opportunities and planning.

  • Promote gender equality in relation to all aspects of the country’s program.

  • Play an active role in workforce planning to ensure compatibility to program need and resource allocation.


  • University degree in related field or equivalent experience.

  • 8 years experience leading complex on site emergency response projects and/or programs requiring extensive judgment and interpretation. Diverse geographical professional experience preferred.

  • Demonstrated ability to influence peer agencies, local government and community leaders to work effectively towards a common and agreed upon result.

  • Demonstrated ability to evaluate and implement best practices and processes affecting multiple technical specialties to achieve rapid, consistent and high quality outcomes.

  • Experience developing, resourcing and leading large budget, complex projects spanning multiple technical specialties.

  • Ability to travel up to 65% of the time

  • Excellent verbal and written English skills. French or Arabic language skills advantageous.

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