United States of America: MEASURE Evaluation Intern

Global Health Fellows Program II

MEASURE Evaluation Intern

Strategic Information, Evaluation and Informatics Division, Office of HIV/AIDS, Bureau for Global Health, United States Agency for International Development

Anticipated Timeframe: May 2016 – August 2016: Compensated 17 week internship

Location: Washington, DC/Arlington, VA


The Global Health Fellows Program (GHFP-II) is a five year cooperative agreement implemented and managed by the Public Health Institute in partnership with Global Health Corps, GlobeMed, Management Systems International and PYXERA Global. GHFP-II is supported by the US Agency for International Development (USAID).

GHFP-II’s goal is to improve the effectiveness of USAID health programs by addressing the Agency’s immediate and emerging human capacity needs. The program seeks to accomplish this goal first through the recruitment, placement and support of diverse health professionals at the junior, mid and senior levels. These program participants include fellows, interns, corporate volunteers and Foreign Service National professionals. The program then provides substantial performance management and career development support to participants, including annual working planning assistance, and ensures that professional development opportunities are available.

Looking to the future, GHFP-II also seeks to establish a pool of highly-qualified global health professionals that will ensure the Agency’s ongoing technical leadership and effectiveness. This objective is supported by an extensive outreach program that brings global health opportunities and specialized career advice to a diverse range of interested individuals, with a particular focus on those underrepresented in the field of global health.


The MEASURE Evaluation Project is the USAID Bureau for Global Health’s (BGH) primary vehicle for supporting improvements in monitoring and evaluation (M&E) in population, health, and nutrition programs worldwide. Significant human and financial resources have been invested worldwide in the collection of data on populations and facilities, and MEASURE Evaluation is only one of many USAID-supported projects that work to improve the use of information to guide policymaking, program design, management and service provision in the health sector.

The MEASURE Evaluation Project works in the following result areas:

  1. Strengthened collection, analysis and use of routine health data.

  2. Improved country capacity to manage health information systems, resources and staff.

  3. Methods, tools and approaches improved and applied to address health information challenges and gaps.

  4. Improved capacity for rigorous evaluation.

More information about the MEASURE Evaluation Project is available at www.cpc.unc.edu/measure.


MEASURE Evaluation Phase IV started in September of 2014, and is a 5 Year Cooperative Agreement. The MEASURE Evaluation Management Team intends to conduct a mid-term project evaluation to assess the project’s progress towards intended results so far, and to offer recommendations on how the project can improve its management and implementation for the remainder of the agreement. The MEASURE Evaluation Intern (Intern) will be assigned to the Evaluation Team within the Strategic Information, Evaluation and Informatics (SIEI) Division in the BGH’s Office of HIV/AIDS (OHA), will report to the Agreement Officer’s Representative (AOR), and will work closely with other members of the MEASURE Evaluation Management Team.


  • Gaining experience in the field of health sector monitoring and evaluation, globally and within USAID.

  • Gaining knowledge of country health information system assessment and strengthening.

· Gaining a greater understanding of USAID’s Evaluation Policy and how USAID uses evaluation for program improvement, learning, and accountability.

· Deepening skills in collaboration and coordination within a complex organizational and implementation structure.


  • Attending biweekly review meetings of the MEASURE Evaluation Management Team and participating in SIEI Division and OHA meetings, as appropriate.

  • Collaborating with the MEASURE Evaluation Management Team to develop the Phase IV mid-project evaluation scope of work to guide the implementation of the evaluation.

  • Collaborating with staff and programs within GH broadly, and specifically with the Office of Policy, Programs, and Planning to ensure that the project evaluation meets stakeholder needs and meets or exceeds bureau standards.

  • Assisting the MEASURE Evaluation Management Team in project management to ensure that specific activities implemented under the project are on track to reach intended deliverables, with a particular focus on the project’s Geographic Information System (GIS) and Gender portfolios.

  • Supporting and working with the MEASURE Evaluation Management Team to review and strengthen project M&E materials and tools.

· Other tasks or responsibilities may be assigned based on organizational and programming need and/or the Intern’s own interests.


· Currently enrolled master’s or other post-bachelor’s degree candidate in public health, social science or related field; or, completion of such within the past 12 months.

· Demonstrated experience and interest in monitoring and evaluation within public health or international development, with preferred demonstrated experience with in-depth evaluation (including impact evaluation).

· Demonstrated experience in data analysis, geographic information systems (GIS), and/or health information system development and interoperability preferred.

· Demonstrated experience or interest in gender programming within public health or international development preferred.

· Strong written and oral communication skills

· Strong problem-solving and analytical skills.

· Experience working effectively in a multidisciplinary environment.

· US citizenship or US permanent residency required.


$1,690 bi-weekly (exempt, salaried position).

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