Dermatology Intern - NC State University - Raleigh, NC

The dermatology intern will be primarily receiving patients with skin diseases as a primary clinician under the guidance and supervision of senior NC State dermatology clinicians and residents (four days per week). One day per week will be spent in rounds (Dermatology Journal Club, Dermatopathology Rounds, Basic Science Reviews), teaching students and/or performing in house consultations on cases seen by other hospital services. The dermatology intern will also be expected to participate in the teaching of senior veterinary students.

Minimum Qualifications:

DVM degree or equivalent N/A

Position Number:


Posting Date:


Closing Date:

American Recovery & Reinvestment Act Funded:


411 reviews

The mission of North Carolina State University is to serve its students and the people of North Carolina as a doctoral/research-extensive,…

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