United States of America: Consultant – Develop SRGBV indicators

BACKGROUND & RATIONALE The Global Working Group to End School-Related Gender-Based Violence (SRGBV) (the working group) was formed in April 2014 following a workshop to discuss the issues, gaps and challenges with addressing SRGBV globally. The group is co-chaired by UNESCO and UNGEI and is divided into three Task teams on research, advocacy and global guidance. These task teams were established to strengthen the evidence and monitoring and evaluation frameworks, operational guidance for national responses and collective campaigning to put SRGBV on the global agenda. The working group met in December 2015 to share new evidence, tools and resources, identify gaps, discuss ways to harmonize approaches and identify key priorities for advocacy, research and global guidance in 2016-2017. One of the key priorities emerging out of the workshop was to develop a recommended set of indicators on SRGBV which could be integrated with existing global data collection systems as well as regional instruments that collect education and learning data. This is an opportune time to invest in the development of indicators that will enable better monitoring of the Education 2030 commitment around 4.a and provide a more comprehensive picture of SRGBV so that policies and practices at the national and local level can more effectively address the issue. PURPOSE Following a consultation with the working group members around the initial concept note for the development of indicators for SRGBV, there is a need to advance the work on articulating a conceptual framework and identifying indicators for SRGBV. This work will be divided into two phases: phase 1 will involve the defining of a conceptual framework and core indicators; phase 2 will involve the design of framing questions and a user guide that addresses some of the methodological and practical considerations around data collection for the purposes of field testing.
Within the parameters defined in the concept note, the consultant will: • Lead the work on defining a framework to measure SRGBV in a way that is valid across cultures; is inclusive of the different forms of SRGBV; and can be measured at the population level. This work can draw from the literature reviews and measurement framework completed by USAID, UNESCO and others. • Develop a list of preliminary indicators drawing from a scoping of national level EMIS and regional surveys that collect education information and data related to school environments as well as from the VAW and GBV indicators. (Note: A compendium of indicators has been collated by USAID which can be built upon)
• Launch a consultation with experts including members of the working group and stimulate debate to produce a robust and comprehensive conceptual framework and set of core indicators on SRGBV. • Following the completion of this work, Phase 2 will involve framing questions designed to capture data on the proposed indicators including a user guide on ethical and methodological considerations for data collection. These will then be piloted and field tested, with the goal of incorporating SRGBV indicators into global or national data collection systems.

EXPECTED RESULTS: • Prepare a draft conceptual framework on SRGBV, presenting a refined definition of SRGBV and the dimensions/domains for measurement that can be applicable across cultures. (August-September 2016) • Solicit feedback through expert review. To refine the conceptual framework, invite key experts to review and comment. (September 2016) • Conduct scoping exercise to identify existing indicators. Identify, evaluate, and summarize existing indicators and data collection activities on SRGBV to date, per the domains identified in the conceptual framework. (September-October 2016) • Hold technical consultation with experts and key partners. Present summary of work to date, including draft conceptual framework and summary of scoping exercise. The goal of the consultation will be to refine and agree upon conceptual framework, and to formulate indicators. (October 2016) • Draft framing questions and a user guide on ethical and methodological considerations for data collection. (November-December 2016) • Prepare report on outcome of technical consultation, summarizing work to date, including discussion and progress during the consultation and recommendations for pilot and field testing. (December 2016)

DUTY STATION Consultant will work remotely, with one trip to NYHQ likely, to hold technical consultation in October 2016.


Start date: 1 August 2016 End date: 31 December 2016

DELIVERABLES DURATION (ESTIMATED # OF DAYS) Deadline Conceptual framework, incorporating feedback from expert review 10 31 August Summary of scoping exercise on existing indicators; Summary of work to date, including finalized framework and indicators 20 31 October Draft Framing questions and user guide incorporating feedback from review 30 30 November Report on outcome of technical consultation 5 31 December TOTAL 65

KEY COMPETENCES, TECHNICAL BACKGROUND, AND EXPERIENCE REQUIRED • Education: University Master’s Degree or higher in social sciences, demography, statistics, or related field with a focus on gender and education and/or gender-based violence (PhD desirable) • Minimum of ten years of progressively responsible professional work experience in the area of education and gender research and/or measurement of gender equality in education and/or gender-based violence • Expert knowledge of the literature pertaining to gender, education and/or GBV • Experience providing intellectual leadership on projects in uncharted areas, and convening and coordinating inputs from experts across related fields of work • Proven track record of conducting literature reviews, developing conceptual frameworks, and translating knowledge into practical application • Strong command of English required • Ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing • Ability to work in an international environment and under tight deadlines

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