United States of America: Researcher (Program Officer)

New York University’s Center on International Cooperation (CIC) over two decades has built up a strong reputation for practical, relevant work on the links between politics, security and development and on reform approaches to the global institutions.

In 2016-2018, CIC’s work will focus on the following issues: (i) a leadership transition at the UN that is informed by strong analysis and debate on challenges and possible priorities; (ii) improved development outcomes for populations affected by humanitarian crises; (iii) increased effectiveness of multilateral political and security instruments, in particular peace operations; (iv) good communication and initial implementation of new elements of the post-2015 agenda, in particular new partnerships relevant to peaceful and inclusive societies; (v) better international cooperation towards preventing violent extremism.

CIC is seeking a Researcher (Program Officer) to work across these multiple workstreams, particularly on issues of humanitarian-development linkages, implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and conflict prevention.

This role will entail:

  • Support role in CIC’s work on linkages between humanitarian-development actors, in cooperation with Senior Program Staff and Fellows.

  • Support CIC’s program for delivery of the peaceful, just and inclusive societies element of Agenda 2030.

  • Support the strengthening of UN peace operations.

  • Working to integrate the ideas of conflict and violence prevention across the spectrum of international interventions as envisaged by the idea of “sustaining peace” through facilitating meetings, developing analytical pieces, and publishing essays.

  • Work closely with CIC’s senior staff to manage research grants, donor relations, project staff, and consultants. Support the work of the Development Program’s Fellows.

CIC works on issues across a range of topic areas and flexibility, adaptability and strong analytic skills will all be required. The ideal candidate will have:

  • A broad understanding of the relationships between humanitarian action, development assistance, and conflict prevention. An interest and background in broader geopolitical and governance issues is an advantage.

  • A background in research, analysis, and policy writing with a track record of producing documents such as concept papers and in-depth policy analysis pieces.

  • The ability to think strategically about the politics and policies of new and traditional actors in international development and security.

  • Experience coordinating and managing complex research projects, including experience producing policy research grant proposals is strongly preferred.

  • A Masters degree in a related field with a minimum of 5 years of relevant and paid professional experience. A candidate who satisfies these minimum requirements will be appointed as a Researcher (Program Officer). More experienced candidates could be appointed at the Senior Researcher (Senior Program Officer) level.

  • Fluency in English is required, along with outstanding written and oral communication skills. Experience working in international organizations and fluency in more than one UN language strongly preferred.

Salary commensurate with experience. Benefits offered in accordance with NYU policy for professional research staff. Appointments are renewable subject to availability of funding.

How to apply:

Applicants should submit via file upload one (1) PDF file that combines the applicant’s cover letter, full CV or resume, and list of publications.

Please note only those applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. Inquiries or requests for additional information prior to submitting an application should be directed to cic.info@nyu.edu. Applications close on Friday 19 August.

The full job description can be found here: http://cic.nyu.edu/about/employment

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