United States of America: Consultancy Assignment: Review of UNICEF’s Division of Financial and Administrative Management Organisational Structure

Terms of Reference (ToRs) for an external consultant to carry out an organisational structure review of UNICEF’s Division of Financial and Administrative Management



1. Title

Review of UNICEF’s Division of Financial and Administrative Management Organisational Structure

2. Background

UNICEF’s mandate is to advocate for the protection of children’s rights, to help meet their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential. UNICEF is active in more than 190 countries and territories through country programmes and National Committees with 16 Headquarter Divisions (HQ), 7 Regional Offices (ROs), (1) Global Shared Service Center, and 126 Country Offices (COs) and approximately 12,000 staff delivering a variety of programmes for the benefit of women and children. Depending on the development context or humanitarian emergency situation, these programmes can take the form of providing technical assistance; support personnel; cash assistance; essential supplies and equipment; and/or advocacy expertise. In 2015, UNICEF’s revenue was $5 billion with an equivalent expenditure level.

The UNICEF Comptroller is the Director of the Division of Financial and Administrative Management (DFAM).The role of DFAM is to safeguard the financial resources entrusted to UNICEF for the survival, development and protection of the world’s children by maintaining and improving financial and administrative systems and procedures to ensure efficient, cost-effective and transparent utilisation of these resources. DFAM is based in New York and operates with approximately 103 staff of which 54% are International Professional staff and 46% are General Service staff. The Division is divided into five Sections that carry out accounting and financial reporting, facilities management and administration, budgeting, cash and treasury management, and organizational policy and risk management.

With the implementation of several organizational improvement initiatives, including the implementation of a single fully integrated ERP application (SAP); the adoption of International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS); and implementation of risk-based results-based budgeting and management approaches, UNICEF’s financial and administrative management operating environment, both internal and external, has changed substantially. The extent and significance of these changes affords DFAM a unique opportunity to take stock of, and strategically re-evaluate, its current and potential contribution to UNICEF’s mission and mandate and the manner in which it makes that contribution.

3. Objective of the Review

Assess the effectiveness and efficiency of DFAM’s current organisational structure and management system(s) and recommend changes to ensure optimal organisational structure to assist DFAM in accomplishing its mission.

4. Reasons for Review

We have identified the need to evaluate our current organisational and management structure in light of:

  • The recent change in the Comptroller/DFAM Director.

  • The rapid growth of the organisation in the last 36 months.

  • Increased levels complexity and scale (e.g. donors are imposing new requirements in return for funding and increasing pressures from external stakeholders to demonstrate accountability; the organization’s revenue has grown by 40%; the organization is working in emergency/fragile states for extended durations of time).

  • DFAM tasked with additional functional responsibilities including enterprise risk management, organizational regulatory framework, structured financing and contribution management, budget reporting.

5. Scope and Focus

The Scope will cover the roles and actual performance of Senior Management Team (SMT) in relation to organizational structures and lines of authority and management and with respect to strategic and operational planning and decision-making.

The Focus** will consider whether DFAM’s SMT- in its current composition and division of roles and time allocation – is well equipped and with adequate capacity to deal with the specific tasks of management, guidance, supervision and support of staff and DFAM’s positioning and performance, including risk management.

Possible Lines of Enquiry:

1. Changes in the Division

-The changes brought in by the new Comptroller/Director in terms of leadership, management, personal skills and experiences.

-Impact of the new changes on the Division and on the staff.

-Impact of Global Shared Service Centre on the Division

-Impact of new responsibilities assigned to the Division

-Benefits and the challenges related to this change.

2. Organisational structure

How has DFAM’s structure evolved

o in response to recent rapid growth in responsibilities?

o in response to increased funding and growing complexity and scales of work?

o In light of identified risks?

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the current Divisional structure and capacities?

Role of middle managers in the structure of DFAM

Role of Regional/in-country Operation chiefs in the structure

Tools and technologies to improve coordination, planning and decision-making processes

6. Participants in the Review

  • The participants in this process will be:

o Key DFAM staff;

o Deputy Executive Director – Management;

o Selected Division Directors/Representatives

7. Roles and Responsibilities

  • The roles and responsibilities of the various participants will be:

  • The consultant shall be responsible for carrying out the review in accordance with the TOR

  • The staff will make themselves available for interviews during the review period and

  • The organization will provide the relevant documentation to the consultant

  • The Comptroller/Director DFAM will facilitate the process and ensure that the consultant will deliver according to the TOR.

8. Deliverables and Milestones

  • Regular weekly updates to Comptroller/Director DFAM by email for the duration of the contract, with options for face-to-face or skype meetings if necessary

  • Written interim report 20th of September, looking at organisational review

  • Documentation of SWOT analyses or similar tools suggested by the consultant and agreed by DFAM

  • Written report consistent with the TOR, including recommendations and options for DFAM. Report should summarise and capture the feedback (either in main report or as an annex), containing consultant’s full observations and general and specific recommendations on options for DFAM organisational structure and management approach going forward

  • Delivery of final report taking into account corrections and requested changes


  • Start date 6 September 2016

  • Meeting of consultant with DFAM SMT to explain the context of the review, particular issues to be looked at, challenges, expected outcomes, agreement of scope of work

  • Consultant to submit of work plan for process of completion of review and report by 10 September

  • Interim report by 23 September

  • Final report by 7 October

9. Consultant Qualifications

  • Advanced University degree in strategic management, organizational design and/or business administration

  • Minimum of ten years of relevant professional experience in financial and/or organizational management

  • Minimum of seven to ten years of relevant experience in strategic management assessments, particularly as it relates to financial and administrative management in a global setting

  • Ability to express clearly and concisely ideas and concepts in writing and orally

  • Research, analyze, evaluate and synthesize information

  • Conceptualize, plan and execute ideas

  • Work well under pressure and manage conflicting priorities

  • Excellent communication skills

  • Demonstrated ability to work in a multi-cultural environment and establish harmonious and effective working relations within the organization

  • Fluency in English

10. Cost parameters for the Organisational Review

Quote required with a detailed breakdown of number of days and any associated costs


Applications should be received by 26 August 2016. Acknowledgement will be sent to short listed candidates only

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