Administrative Assistant - Flagship City Brokers - Erie, PA

Flagship City Brokers is looking for an exceptional Administrative Assistant to join our new office.

Flagship City Brokers is a business intermediary that specializes in assisiting business owners with buying and selling their companies. We are located in Erie, PA. We also operate an office in Philadelphia, PA.

The ideal candidate will be extremely organized and have the ability to work well within a team environment.

We are looking for someone to help us with the following:
Assistance with growing and maintaining our clients

Assistance with streamlining productivity

The responsibilities of an Administrative Assistant include:
Work with the managing partners on a daily basis

Assist with managing the marketing efforts

Assist with market research

Composing and sending correspondence to prospects, clients, and partners

Coordination of tasks, milestones, and deliverables with project teams and clients

Competitive salary and benefits

Time off for travel and vacations At least 3-5 years of experience (business broker or mergers & acquisition experience is a plus!)

Great written and oral communication skills

Proficiency with Microsoft and Google Apps

Experience with use Adobe Photoshop or InDesign

Experience with working with project management systems

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