United States of America: Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Advisor

Global Health Fellows Program

Technical Advisor II: Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Advisor

Strategy, Analysis, Evaluation, and Outreach Division, Office of Policy, Programs and Planning, Bureau for Global Health, United States Agency for International Development

Location: Arlington, VA

Assignment: Two year fellowship


The Global Health Fellows Program (GHFP-II) is a five year cooperative agreement implemented and managed by the Public Health Institute in partnership with Global Health Corps, GlobeMed, Management Systems International and PYXERA Global. GHFP-II is supported by the US Agency for International Development (USAID).

GHFP-II’s goal is to improve the effectiveness of USAID health programs by addressing the Agency’s immediate and emerging human capacity needs. The program seeks to accomplish this goal first through the recruitment, placement and support of diverse health professionals at the junior, mid and senior levels. These program participants include fellows, interns, corporate volunteers and Foreign Service National professionals. The program then provides substantial performance management and career development support to participants, including annual work planning assistance, and ensures that professional development opportunities are available.

Looking to the future, GHFP-II also seeks to establish a pool of highly-qualified global health professionals that will ensure the Agency’s ongoing technical leadership and effectiveness. This objective is supported by an extensive outreach program that brings global health opportunities and specialized career advice to a diverse range of interested individuals, with a particular focus on those underrepresented in the field of global health.


The Bureau for Global Health (GH) is the USAID/Washington operating unit charged with providing technical support to improve the health of people in the developing world by expanding health services, including: family planning/reproductive health and maternal/child health; strengthening health systems; and addressing HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, avian influenza and other public health threats. GH’s primary role in the health program area is to strengthen field operations, promote research and technical innovation, and provide leadership and training.

Within GH, the Office of Program, Planning and Policy’s (P3) Strategy, Analysis, Evaluation, and Outreach, (SAEO) Division leads the Bureau review of strategic plans and coordinates their approval. The Division facilitates periodic data collection, conducts analyses and provides written inputs for annual reports and other Agency performance reporting requirements. This Division serves as the primary GH resource for USAID monitoring, evaluation and learning (ME&L) policies and practices, oversees implementation of the Bureau M&E Plan and analyzes and disseminates evaluation findings, conclusions, recommendations and best practices as appropriate. SAEO provides analyses for country and GH planning and portfolio reviews and supports planning efforts for the GH and in GH technical offices.


The Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Advisor (Advisor) will provide advice on matters related to the use of ME&L to improve both Bureau and field programming. S/he will work closely with the SAEO Team and receive technical guidance from the SAEO Division Chief who will serve as his/her onsite manager.


The Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Advisor will be responsible for:

  • Implementing ME&L plans for GH, including roles and responsibilities; monitoring indicators and targets; data sources; data quality assurance processes; measurement and reporting methods; evaluation topics and methodologies; and use of monitoring and evaluation data and findings for increased efficiency and effectiveness.

  • Tracking and analyzing data from the GH Bureau, missions and country partners, and using the information to advise USAID on health policy and program development; to improve performance and impact; and to advise country partners and missions on best practices and innovations.

  • Designing and monitoring implementation of health evaluation studies, including development of evaluation questions and methods, recommendation of appropriate evaluation mechanisms, operational and logistics, and implementation of post-evaluation action plans.

  • Strengthening capacity of headquarters and field staff to carry out high-quality ME&L practices, including through staff orientations and trainings.

  • Maintaining up-to-date knowledge on Agency ME&L policies and guidance; providing ongoing assistance to headquarters and field staff on appropriate applications; proactively identifying gaps and developing ancillary guidance products as needed.

  • Providing technical support to USAID missions in the development of sector-wide performance management plans, activity-level ME&L plans, ME&L support mechanisms, evaluation plans, and learning agendas.

  • Supporting headquarters and field staff to pilot test novel ME&L tools and methodologies and to adopt innovative and effective M&E approaches.

  • Establishing forums for knowledge sharing on health ME&L efforts including highlighting best practices and technical experts; sharing learning from Agency health ME&L efforts in interagency and technical settings.

  • Providing routine and ad hoc reporting on Bureau ME&L activities.

International and domestic travel approximately 30%.


  • Keeping abreast of literature and latest developments in the fields of ME&L.

  • Deepening knowledge of ME&L, health policy and program development.

  • Participating in interagency and intra-agency working groups as appropriate to the scope of work.

  • Participating in professional continuing education and skills training within the purview of GHFP-II.


  • Master’s degree or higher in public health or a related social science field.

  • Minimum five (5) years’ experience in health sector/systems monitoring and evaluation, with at least two (2) years’ experience in an international or resource challenged setting.

  • Demonstrated leadership in the development and implementation of an M&E strategy and/or implementation plan for an effort of similar magnitude.

  • High degree of judgment, ingenuity and originality to interpret strategy, to analyze, develop and present work results, and to monitor and evaluate implementation of programs.

  • Demonstrated ability to develop and conduct robust assessments and evaluations.

  • Experience providing advice, guidance, and consultation to high level officials on the interpretation and application of monitoring and evaluation data and findings.

  • Demonstrated familiarity with technical and developing country content in Agency health areas of focus.

  • Demonstrated flexibility and openness in responding to changing work priorities and environment.

  • Excellent analytical, written and oral communication skills.

  • Ability to work with diverse teams and cross-culturally.

  • Knowledge of USAID policies, procedures, and reporting requirements highly desired.

  • Proficiency in a second language highly desirable.

  • Ability to travel internationally.

  • US citizenship or US permanent residency required.


Salary based on commensurate experience and earnings history. The Public Health Institute offers a comprehensive benefits package including professional development programs.

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