Alcohol Beverage Control, Jerome - Idaho State Police - Jerome, ID

This announcement will be used to fill a current opening in Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC) for District 4. If you are interested in this position, you must apply under this announcement.

The ABC staff is responsible to ensure all establishments selling and/or producing alcoholic beverages including liquor, beer, and/or wine are properly licensed and conform to laws, rules, and regulations. ABC staff provides assistance to local law enforcement agencies in the enforcement of those laws, rules, and regulations. The successful candidate will be required to sign a two (2)-year Assignment, Transfer, or Promotion Commitment Agreement as part of the final job offer. In addition, the successful candidate may be eligible for up to $5000 reimbursement for moving expenses if relocating to another district, in accordance with ISP procedure 04.05 Moving Guidelines.

Preference will be given to those applicants with at least two years of experience as an ISP Trooper following completion of an ISP Field Training Officer (FTO) program. The most current performance evaluation must be at a “Valuable Contributor” or higher with the exception of “Developing Performer” while on promotional probation and you cannot currently be operating under a work plan or have any pending disciplinary actions.

The pay for Specialist promotions is generally calculated with a new base rate of $22.90 or a 5% increase over the candidate’s current base, whichever is greater. Earned Choice points that are applicable to detectives are in addition to the new base rate. Total pay cannot be greater than the assigned pay grade’s maximum rate, which is currently $39.33.


  • Enforce alcohol beverage laws as outlined in Idaho Code Title 23

  • Provide retailer/server and ABC law enforcement training

  • Plan and organize multi-jurisdictional underage compliance checks and other undercover compliance operations

  • Assist local and federal law enforcement agencies

  • Clarify and interpret complex ABC and business regulations, laws and IDAPA rules for legislators, industry representatives, and the general public

  • Meet with key representatives from industry, other law enforcement agencies, and attorneys on ABC regulatory issues

Minimum Qualifications: The minimum requirement for ISP Specialist is to hold permanent status as an ISP Trooper.

Examination: Checklist and resume. You will receive a score based on your answers. You must receive a minimum rating of 100 to pass this examination. Notification of your test results will be available online when the exam is completed and submitted. To preview the examination, click on “Preview Exam” below.

To Apply: Click on the Apply Online button to the left and follow the instructions provided to complete the Application Information and Exam for this position. When updating your online application information, you must select Idaho State Police under “Agencies,” full-time under “Job Type/Shift,” and Jerome and/or Statewide under “Cities.”

PLEASE NOTE: The uniform of the day for the interview will be Class A winter for all applicants. Interviews are scheduled for January 13th in District 4.

Preview Exam


At the discretion of the appointing authority, compensatory time off may be provided in lieu of overtime cash compensation.

Hiring is done without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age or disability. In addition, preference may be given to veterans who qualify under state and federal laws and regulations. If you need special accommodations to satisfy testing requirements, please contact the Division of Human Resources.

Source by [author_name]
