Intermediate/Elementary School Resource ... - City of Southlake - Southlake, TX

The purpose of this position is to protect and maintain a safe and secure environment for educators and students. Investigate and take appropriate action related to criminal activity occurring on the assigned campus. Serve as guest classroom instructor, teaching law related material relevant to the schools learning objectives. Serve as informal advisor and conflict mediator to students and provide advice to students in an effort to keep issues from developing into more serious problems.

Essential Functions:

  • Provide law enforcement and police presence to the school, school grounds and areas adjacent to the school, including lunch and recess periods. Investigate and appropriately document allegations of criminal incidents within the schools per police department policies and procedures. Enforce state and local laws and ordinances. Make appropriate referrals to juvenile authorities or other governmental agencies.

  • Work to prevent juvenile delinquency through close contact and positive relationships with students. In addition, the SRO shall develop crime prevention programs and conduct security inspections to deter criminal or delinquent activities. The SRO should monitor crime statistics and work with other local police officers, SRO’s, school officials and students together to design crime prevention strategies.

  • Establish and maintain a close partnership with school administrators in order to provide for a safe school environment. Assist school officials with their efforts to enforce education code laws. Ensure school administrator safety by being available during normal school hours. Assist school administrators in emergency crisis planning and building security measures. Provide a course of training for school personnel in handling crisis situations, which may arise at the school.

  • Be visible within the school community. Attend and participate in school functions. Build working relationships with the school’s staff as well as with student and parent groups.

  • Develop and implement classes in law related education to support the educational efforts of the faculty. Work closely with teachers in designing and presenting law-related topics and the role of police in our community. Prepare and present safety presentations to students, teachers and parents.

  • Work with guidance counselors and other student support staff to assist students and to provide services to students involved in situations where referrals to service agencies are necessary. Assist in conflict resolution efforts.

  • Initiate interaction with students in the classroom and general areas of the school building. Promote the profession of police officer and be a positive role model. Increase the visibility and accessibility of police to the school community.

  • Conduct traffic control duties on or adjacent to school grounds before and after school hours.

  • Perform other duties as assigned.

Minimum Qualifications:

  • Must be licensed by Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education (TCLEOSE) with a minimum of an Advanced Certification.

  • Must have a valid Texas Drivers’ license at time of hire; and

  • Must be 21 years of age at time of hire.

Additional Information:

This position will generally follow the CISD (or when appropriate the KISD) school schedule. When school is not session, Intermediate / Elementary School Resources Officers will generally not be required to work and will not be paid during those breaks (with the exception of City designated paid holidays or when using accrued paid vacation leave). However, there may be limited occasions when Intermediate / Elementray School Resource Officers are required to work when school is not in session.

Source by [author_name]
