Police Support Specialist - City of Bellevue - Seattle, WA

City of Bellevue

Police Support Specialist

Salary: ?$ $4,034.12 – $5,133.88 Monthly


Interested applicants should apply on-line at? This recruitment closes December 31, 2015.



Police Support Officer provides support to the Police Department in areas of prisoner transport, the taking of crime reports, calls for assistance of a non-criminal nature and other activities which do not require a fully commissioned officer.

Once you have filled out the?City of Bellevue?application please go to the link below?and fill out the National Testing Application and sign up for a testing date.

The Bellevue Police Department offers full testing services for the position of police support officer through National Testing Network, Inc.? To fill out an application and schedule a test, go to www.nationaltestingnetwork.com, select Corrections Jobs and sign up for the Bellevue Police Department Police Support Officer job.?


Test Dates: Various test dates are listed on the NTN Website

Last Test Date: 12/30/15 at the location listed on NTN Website.

Oral Board Interviews Scheduled for: 1/27-29/16



? Receives into custody persons arrested by officer, complete arrest records, fingerprint the subject and transport to jail or maintain custody in a holding cell.

? Transports arrested subjects to and from court for court hearings.

? Serves warrants to individuals already arrested and jailed by other jurisdictions.

? Keeps booking room clean and adequately supplied with necessary forms and fingerprinting materials.

? Keeps holding cells clean and in good repair, insuring bedding is clean.?

? Contacts individuals and takes information regarding complaints and writes appropriate incident or follow-up reports.

? Investigates and reports on parking complaints, provides traffic direction at accident scenes, community events and reports broken traffic signals as needed.

? Assists Court Liaison Officer as directed

? Assist Courts and Custody Lieutenant as directed.

? Live Scan trainer.

? AFIS Administrator.

? Other responsibilities as directed.

For the complete job announcement and to apply on-line, please visit our website at:

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