Deck Hand (Permanent Part Time 80%) - State of Illinois - Calhoun County, IL

This position directs the safe loading of vehicles, commodities and personnel onto the barges and secures appropriate gates, performs preventative maintenance and repairs to equipment.

Minimum Requirements:

Requires knowledge, skill and mental development equivalent to completion of high school diploma or GED. Requires elementary knowledge of boat and ferry operations and river traffic regulations. Ability to repair and maintain equipment, office and grounds. Ensures compliance with departmental safety code.

Work Hours & Location/Agency Contact:

Kampsville Ferry, Calhoun County, District 8

How to Apply:

Interested applicants must submit completed CMS-100 Application to CMS, Examining and Counseling Division, Room 500 Stratton Office Building, Springfield, IL 62706. Once the informational posting closes, IDOT Personnel will request that CMS grade all applications in the file for that title. At that time applicants will receive an Open Competitive Eligible Grade for that title. IDOT will request the Open Competitive Eligible List and contact applicants for an interview.

*GROUP B – titles are closed exams. Applications for a Group B closed exam will be maintained until an agency requests that the test be administered or for a maximum of one year.

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