Police Records Clerk - City of Elgin, IL - Elgin, IL

Primary responsibilities include keyboarding, intense data entry, filing, maintenance of criminal history and police reports, and customer service. Position scans documents into computer network; releases information in accordance to police policies; performs record checks for authorized agencies; files reports, mug shots and fingerprint pages; handles mail and fax correspondence.

Maintain the privacy, security and confidentiality of records information

Provide customer service to citizens and law enforcement personnel in person, email, and over the phone

File and maintain police reports and traffic citations

Perform data entry into police records management system

Merge police reports into the police records management system

Scan police reports and other documents into a digital imaging system

Perform records checks for citizens, police department personnel, and other authorized agencies

Prepare crash reports for the Illinois Department of Transportation as well as the Kane County Highway Department

Type correspondence, memos, and reports

Collect fees for specific records services and maintain a balanced cash drawer

Respond to mail, email, and fax correspondence

Release information and reports according to the guidelines of the Illinois Freedom of Information Act

Redact police reports and miscellaneous documents for the media

Respond to time-sensitive subpoenas and state’s attorney requests

Preserve video from the various camera systems utilized by the police

Perform such other duties as may be required by State Law, City Ordinance, Department Rule, or as may be assigned by the records supervisor or other competent authority

Must be personable with strong written and verbal communication skills

Data entry skills of 120 KPM

Must possess basic accounting skills

Ability to use good judgment and have experience working with the public

Extensive and demonstrative knowledge of the use and application of MS Office Suite, electronic mail systems and the use of a personal computer required.

Must possess a high school diploma or GED

Source by [author_name]

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